"If you were in the younger years, I would have given you detention for wandering the corridors at night." He spoke, quietly, breaking eye contact and stepping closer to me. I turned away to face the window and took a deep breath of fresh air. "But, I understand the perils of 7th year."

"Perils." I repeated, smiling. I snuck a glance at the handsome man beside me, now leaning over the window sill, both elbows against the edge as he watched the dark scenery that lay outside the castle. Dressed in his shirt, messy and untucked into a pair of comfortable-looking trousers. Why he was also awake on such a beautiful and peaceful night crossed my mind.

"Your reputation proceeds you Miss Rosier." He said just above a whipser, looking down at his rather long, elegant fingers.

"And what reputation would that be Professor?" I asked, pressing my tongue against my teeth.

"The perfect mixture of trouble and sophistication. You know what we spoke about in the staff room?" I raised my eyebrows at his discerning observation of my character.

"Enlighten me Sir." I breathed.

"Poised and polished, yes, but uncontrollable. Well-spoken but out-spoken, and by the words of Professor Snape - your lack of ability to apply your intelligence is exasperating."

"Oh I can assure you, he exasperates me equally as much," I spoke through my teeth. "Good to know you care much for other people's opinions though Professor. I think I'll be off now. Goodnight." I quickly remarked before turning around and strutting off into the dark hallways out of sight - before he could even reply with a single sound.

And to think I thought perhaps he had potential. Someone I could actually get along with. I shook my head at my obvious lack of correct judgement and proceeded to step along the ice cold stone of the castle, until I found myself back in my bed once more. This time drifting into darkness.


I awoke once again to the hand of my roommate pulling the warm covers off my barely clothed body.

"Babe, how do you not freeze your tits off every time you sleep?" She asked, pulling her hair into a high ponytail.

"Distant vampire blood." I joked casually.

"Please, your blood is purer than any of ours and we're in the purest house of them all. Except maybe that Malfoy kid in 4th year. I'm pretty sure his mother married her cousin." She laughed, along with a few of the other girls.

"I highly doubt that. Rumours, my dears, are the beginning of all mortal pain. Think not of them, and instead focus on things that matter." I spoke in a slightly overly dramatic fashion, only to conceal the fact that I really did believe the words I said.

"And what would that be?" Another girl asked, tapping me on the shoulder as I stripped down fully.

"How you used that little body to get out of your sentence with the Ministry." She teased.

"Enough. I can assure you, that never happened. And never will. Ministry men are far from my taste anyways."

"Tell that to Mr Malfoy. Have you seen him yet? He is literally sex on legs." She responded, giggling.

My Golden Rose - A Snape, Lupin & Lucius StoryWhere stories live. Discover now