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Good girl.

His seemingly insignificant words replayed in my mind. There was something about him that I could not shake, and I was yet to decide whether it was a good feeling, or bad.

I laid in my bed, staring up at the ceiling, unable to close my eyes at all, for I felt rather agitated. I climbed out of the soft covers, my bare feet hitting the worn-out rug. I glanced at the small clock on the left wall, and the time read 3:07. AM.

Witching hour. I smirked to myself as I fastened my silk robe around my body.

I turned the door handle, and stepped out of my dorm room, not caring for any noise I made, because there was no point in caring. The feeling of the ice-stone against the soles of my feet made me feel alive, oddly. And the cold chill that brushed against my face, the shivers it sent down my spine, the darkness that seemed to go on forever, only reminded me of the true beauty of this Earth.

I ran my fingers along the golden frames of the portraits, taking a somewhat immoral pleasure in watching them shift in their sleep. I chuckled to myself silently, taking in a deep breath as I felt the shadows move around me.

Glimpses of soft moonlight exclusively touching whatever it desires, and leaving the rest in eternal darkness.

It was a sight so peaceful yet so disturbing. Too silent, too pretty, and if there was one thing I had learnt in my years, nothing in our world is as it seems.

You think you know? Think again. And again, and perhaps once more.

Because witches and wizards don't just conceal the truth, they create a web of lies, layers of secrets - all to be uncovered by the next no one. It is for no one to know their truth. Because truth is weakness amongst those of us who matter much.

The problem with our species is that each of us holds a certain degree of power - some more than others. And with power comes the desire for more power - all natural and inevitable to feel; a drug like none other. And all do accept it.

But envy - envy is the true ugliness that runs through our veins, and it stems from our power-hungry souls. It is a dangerous jealously, the source of all unsettledness in ours and the human world. The muggle world. That once did belong to us, but it belongs to them now.

"Quite the little trouble maker, aren't we." A voice interrupted my thoughts, causing me to jump. "Miss Rosier."

I cleared my throat, turning around ever so slowly as I rested my left hand softly against the window sill.

"Professor Lupin. To what do I owe this pleasure." I smiled, my eyes burning into his - showing no expression of worry as I pretend not to acknowledge the time.

"It is a pleasure indeed." He smiled back, genuinely, and unwillingly causing me to feel somewhat guilty. "Trouble sleeping?" He inquired as he glanced at my attire, and then my bare feet.

I hummed in response, leaning back against the window sill, the cold air seeping through my skin almost with a feeling of pain. There were no glass windows in this part of the castle, only empty stone archways, quite large in nature. Certainly big enough to jump out of. If it were not for the magic that prevented that sort of 'reckless behaviour' so unthoughtfully described as by the staff of school.

My Golden Rose - A Snape, Lupin & Lucius StoryWhere stories live. Discover now