CH. 1 - What is this feeling?

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Chase POV:Ugh, fuck

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Chase POV:
Ugh, fuck. Why did summer break ended so fast? (I don't know) Wait, what time is it?
"Shit! I have ten miuntes to the time I have to go out!" - I yell when quickly taking out clothes from a wardrobe and changing them. After 9 minutes I'm done with getting ready. Now I don't have time eat. I quickly take a granola bar and go out. After closing a door I look behind me and see that this yellow bus coming. When it stops, I quickly take a seat at the end. Hopefully, someone will want to talk to me.

Two stops later
I can see him walking into.
"Marshall! Here!" - I wave my hand. He notices it and walk to me.
"Hi Chase. How was your summer break?" - He puts his bag on the floor and sit next to me.
"Not bad. What about you?" - I take off my baseball cap.
"Wow. Your hair really grown by the time I didn't see you." - He says while looking at them, which were now long to the shoulders. Then I take out a hair band and make a ponytail.
"Anyways, do you know anyone here? Because I don't." - I ask.
"Me neither. But maybe we'll make new friends." 

Twenty minutes later
It's the moment. We walk into this cursed building and look for the lockers. They were in the renovated basement. At the first impression it looked really nice. Then I search for number 210. I found it after a minute.
"We're next to each other Marshall!" - I call him when I saw that he has number 211. When we put our things in them I wanted to go to the class, but I bumped into someone dropping all books. I was about to insult this person, but I discovered that it was a girl. Which looked very gorgeous. I felt a weird struck in my heart. (Someone's in  love, huh?) But then my mind started working again.
"Sorry. I wasn't paying attention. I didn't mean to." - I apologize to her.
"No need to be sorry, it was my fault. Do you need help cleaning this?" - She answer.
"I can do it myself, but thanks." - I reached for my books. But she did it in the same. And our hands met. I blushed very hard, just like her. (Awww, how cute) We pulled them away fast.
"Umm, sorry again." - I mumble as I finally collect all my stuff and stand up.
"You don't have to say this. Anyways, can you help me? I'm new here and I don't know what we have now. And I think we're from the same year." - She stared at me with her magenta eyes. (Plz don't hate, it's not real but I wanted a referrence to the show, ok?) They were just beautiful.
"Y-Yes, give me a second." - I take out my phone and open plan note. - "We have chemistry at class 130." - I say. Then we started running because we had only 1 minute to the ring. Unfortunately, we didn't make it in time. When I opened the door, everyone, including teacher looked in our way.
"Well Well... Who we have here? Chase Morgan and Skye Garcia. Why are you late on a first day?" - He asks when looking at the journal.
"We were looking for the right class. I'm sorry." - I lower my head, so he would think that I feel bad because of it. But I don't give a fuck about him. He's so stupid. There are only two seats next to the Marshall at the end, which we took, with me in the middle. Then this old fucker writed down the subject and told us to read it from the book. I already did it yesterday, so I have more time for myself now. I saw Skye drawing something, so I leaned to her.
"Nice last name. You speak Spanish?" - I whisper.
"No. My ancestors lived there, but we live here in Los Angeles for almost 100 years now. But I still know this language a little bit. And thanks." - She replies.
"No problem. Are you busy today?" - I've got an idea.
"Actually, I'm free. Why are you asking?" - She looks at me with a confusion on her face.
"Do you want to visit me at my house?" - I asked (Oooh, I hope she agrees)
"Why not? My parents are out on the business trip for a month, so it's good that I will have someone that I can talk too."
"Amazing. I'll talk to Marshall if he wants to come too. 3 is better than 2." - I turn my head to the other side.
"Marshall-" - I start but he cuts me off.
"I heard. Yes, I'll be here." - He say straight.
"Ok." - As nobody except us finished yet, I can think about one thing. What is this feeling? When I look at her, I don't think about anything else. Is it what I think it is? Maybe.

 Is it what I think it is? Maybe

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Author's note: Hello. I'm starting this story now. At the beginning, two questions:
1. Should I make dedications here?
2. Is 800 words per chapter good?
Oh, and I don't think I'll update it everyday. But I'll try my best. And "Not good enough for you" stays the same. That's all. Stay safe everyone.

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