Chapter 48: Gentle

Start from the beginning

As time raced, the closer the final selection became. It was after his trip to the omega river with the head guard where Jimin looked ahead at the path that grew bigger as they were reaching the palace step by step now. Jimin was dressed in his usual yellow upper coat with a red ribbon and a dark pink skirt to match with it. His hair was a little damp, but it didn't matter at all. Jimin's looks still serenaded the angels with his ethereal features.

"Ah, I'm already exhausted..." Jimin whispered and looked up at the guard walking as if he didn't lose his breath after a long walk. "They choose only the best alphas to guard, I'm impressed!"

"Does everything impress you omegas? This is nothing!"

"It is something for me!"

"Honestly, I walk around with my omega when I'm dragged out of the palace. Even she doesn't get like this! There's something wrong with you, Park Jimin. Are you dying?" Yoongi asked and looked back at the omega. "I may be an alpha who hates to run or get any exercise, but you on the other hand... you make me feel as if I am the best guard out there. I'm flattered."

"Ah, y-you won't stop won't you?"

"Have you ever left your chambers before today?"

"N-No..." Jimin replied and stopped for a moment to catch his breath.

"Hm... that says a lot, but I understand. Jimin, we're close to the palace, can you keep up or do you want me to carry you there?"

"Don't pity me." Jimin spoke out and caught his breath before standing up and continuing to walk with his posture up. No matter what, Jimin still clung onto the positive side to his independent demeanor. Even though he still had a hint of stubbornness in him, he made sure he only focused on the brighter parts that made him who he was. An independent swan that may need someone, but not in a way that would lower the way he would see himself.

After, they soon reached the palace and caught up with a handful of omegas being escorted to the palace as well. Jimin looked around at the many omegas who longed for the king and rolled his eyes, feeling a shift in his mood that caused him to grow jealous. However, that emotion didn't stay too long since he began to feel a headache that knocked on his head constantly if he thought of anything at all.

Yoongi stepped into the court and began to organize the omegas into lines. They were spaced out but they were set in such a pattern that pleased the eyes. Of course, he made sure he was able to set Jimin to the back where Jungkook wouldn't see him at all. This was enough to save the two from such an early feeling that would throw them back to the argument that cut so deep, it left them scarred.

Jimin stood far from where Jungkook would stand and hoped that with all the scents mixed within this courtyard, Jungkook wouldn't single out his scent and come for him. Yet, he was foolish to think Jungkook wouldn't. They were bound to each other, so their scents were very special no matter what. The omega did manage to cover up Jungkook's strong scent and have his sweet and honey fragrance filling his space, yet, he couldn't help but to worry if this was enough to cover the way he smelled before.

As a moment passed, Jimin's mark began to sting once again as he flinched and looked down, scrutinizing his face instantly. The amount of pain he felt at once, overwhelmed him. The headache that began to pound and the sting of his mating mark just poking at him from under his neck continued to taunt him. Eventually, everything went silent as he only heard his heartbeat. Instantly, the sting was automatically relieved with the scent of Jungkook filling his nose for the first time in a week. The scent made Jimin close his eyes as he knew the king stood before the group of omegas to begin.

Suddenly, Jungkook's senses singled out Jimin's fragrance as instantly as if it was calling out to him from afar. The king opened his eyes and searched around until he found his omega standing all the way in the back. At the time, he didn't think he needed to confront Jimin so early, but before he knew it, a gleam in his eyes brightened and his body pushed him forward. When it came to the time for the king to walk around and look at the many omegas, he couldn't contain himself as he looked to the back where Jimin stood and began to walk over to him.

"Jimin... he's there... all the way in the back, I know I said I shouldn't and give us time, but I just need to see you!" Jungkook thought and skipped the many omegas in front to see Jimin. The royal court watched the king walk steadily over to the beautiful swan as the rest of the omegas were bound to keep their faces forward. No one was to watch the king choose.

The scent of his alpha cane closer and closer. Jimin's heart raced anxiously as he suddenly locked eyes with his alpha making his way towards him. His gaze was gentle, caring and worrying. Before, his eyes told a story of desperation and hunger, but now it was love just shining brightly at the sight of his omega.

"Jungkook... no..." Jimin thought and felt his own tears building up within that added onto his ongoing headache. "Don't... don't come to me..."

Jungkook reached Jimin instantly and stood before him. The omega's eyes began to tear up as he looked down and broke the connection of their stares locking. It was too much to see the king so early. At this point, he wondered if his alpha was going to choose him instantly and cause more issues to surface without taking their time. Every part in Jungkook yearned to bring his Jimin into a tight hug, but he had to contain himself. The sea of emotions washed over the shores of his mind instantly and by there, he began to regret making his way to his omega too soon. He thought this was what he wanted, but was it what he needed at the time? His love for Jimin pushed him forward until it led him to where his omega stood.

Jungkook inhaled Jimin's scent and walked around him before stopping once again at the side of his mark. Silence ensued as the royal court watched closely at Jungkook's actions. He wanted to whisper words into his omega's ear to reassure him everything would be fine and to calm him down, but Jimin only kept his gaze locked onto the ground. Feeling confused on what to do as Jungkook stared at him further.

Instantly, Yoongi locked his stare into the two and sighed before looking away. He thought putting Jimin far away from Jungkook was going to keep them from seeing each other so soon, but nothing could stop a bond that deep. Even with the king's gentle stares locking onto Park Jimin's delicate figure, Jimin couldn't focus at all and dared to speak to the king, but with the many people surrounding them, he kept silent until that gentle and calm presence of his Jungkook, began to step away from him.

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