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Nathan had been silent the entire walk home, which was completely out of character. He was pissed, and Jade was not used to this since he never took anything seriously.

Once they had arrived at the flat and Jade had locked the door, she turned around to find Nathan glaring down at her.

She pouted. "Are you still angry?"

He huffed, and she found herself trapped between his arms, her back pressed against the door. He brought his face close to hers. His bushy eyebrows were furrowed, his forehead creased and his green eyes were glaring daggers while his mouth was stuck in a scowl.

"You can be a real idiot when you want to be, Jade." He hissed.

His voice had a deeper tone, and it sent a shiver down her spine as she felt his hot breath fan over her skin.

"I'm sorry." She mumbled as she lowered her eyes. "I panicked and wanted to get rid of everything so my mum had nothing to hold over my head."

She raised her gaze back, and she got taken aback by the intensity of his own.

He was truly worried about her, and it made her heart do somersaults.

"He tried to kill you." He mumbled. "What if he tried again? What do I do if you're not here anymore?"

"Wank yourself and cry." The corner of Jade's mouth quirked up in a cheeky smile.

"Hey, I'm trying to be serious." He protested, but he failed to conceal his lopsided smile.

She gently placed her hands on his cheeks, her gaze soft as she smiled at him. "I'm not going anywhere. I'll be careful, I promise."

He grunted as his eyes narrowed at her, and she could feel the doubt oozing out of his every pore.

Her smile turned into a smirk as one of her hands trailed down his neck, chest and stomach, and his lips parted open and a sigh left them when he felt her fingers slip under his shirt.

"I'll show you how sorry I am." Jade said softly, and she closed the distance between then to press a kiss on his lips.

She left a trail of open mouth kisses down the side of his neck, and he whined as he tilted his head to the side.

"I'm supposed to be angry at you." He grumbled with his eyes closed. "You evil woman."

Her hand brushed against the skin of his lower belly as she went to cup him, and he grabbed her hand and trapped it against the wall.

"No." He smirked, and she pouted.

She raised her knee to rub against his erection trapped in his skinny jeans, and he gritted his teeth and pressed his whole body against her as he crashed his lips against hers.

Jade's soft moan got swallowed by his mouth as he traced her lower lip with his tongue, and he noticed the way her eyes darkened and her breathing was heavier.

"Bad girl." He murmured. The words, dripping with desire and spoken with his irish accent, had lit a fire in her belly.

Jade's free hand reached to grab his curly hair, and she rubbed her core against his as she whined to plead him to hurry.

He hissed in pleasure and rubbed back as he grabbed her ass in a tight grip, she wrapped a leg around his hips and brought him closer.

The kiss turned messy and frantic as Jade  pushed his flannel off, and it landed on the floor, quickly forgotten. Nathan broke the kiss to pull off her shirt, and he tossed it over his shoulder.

Sweet Lies | Nathan Young [Misfits]Where stories live. Discover now