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Jade pushed past the crowd inside the pub as she made her way towards the bar. Some regulars recognized her and greeted the girl as she walked past them. Some even congratulated her on her singing or requested a song for her next show. Even if their compliments touched her, she was not in the mood to talk to them, so she just smiled and thanked the customers as she kept walking.

Luke smiled when he saw his employee, but it collapsed when she got closer to the bar. He suddenly seemed struck by shock and terror as he gazed at her, and she did not know why.

"Hey, Luke." She asked with a smile. "What's wrong ? You look like you've seen a ghost."

His mouth open and closed, his skin pale. Then he cleared his throat as he seemed to snap out of it.

"Hello Jade. Nah, I'm just tired." He said with an attempt at a carefree shrug. "Why are you here? You're not working tonight."

"I'm here as a customer." She grumbled as she took a seat on a stool, she put her elbows on the counter and rested her head in her palms with a defeated sigh.

He frowned. "What happened?"

She pursed her lips, and he fixed her a quick drink while she seemed to be deep in thoughts.

"Remember Nathan?" She asked, and he nodded. "Well, we had a huge fight, and he left."

He shook his head as he placed the drink in front of her. "So that's why you're here. You can't stand to be alone in your flat."

She looked at him in annoyance. "Must you be this perceptive all the time?"

He chuckled. "I mean...I do have a psychology diploma."

She looked down at her drink, and smiled. "Piña colada, really?"

"You look like the type to enjoy overly sweet stuff." He smirked, and she scoffed.

"You should learn not to read a book by its cover." She grumbled.

He raised an eyebrow in inquiry. "Am I wrong ?"

She remained silent as she glared at him, and he threw his head back as he let out a loud laugh.

"God, you're so mad that I've read you so easily." He smiled, deeply amused while she pouted.

"I'm not." She grumbled as she took a sip of her drink.

He left to take care of the customers, and Jade studied him for a bit. Luke was his usual charismatic, easygoing self as he joked with clients like they were childhood friends, but she could see that something was bothering him. He kept sneaking glances at her as he fixed drinks or cleaned glasses, and each time his smile was wavering.

He passed by her in a hurry, and she reached over the counter and grabbed his arm to stop him. He looked at her in surprise.

"I'm not getting you drunk, Jade." He huffed, and she rolled her eyes.

"I don't want another drink, Luke." She sighed. "I want to know what's bothering you. Did I do something wrong ?"

He blinked, and when realisation settled he avoided her gaze as he scratched his beard in nervosity. "I just... You would tell me if something was wrong? Or if you were in trouble?"

Her face fell, she wanted so bad to confide in him, tell him the huge mess she found herself tangled in.

But she did not think telling him the truth was a good idea.

'Well, if you really want to know... I killed a man with the others from the community service and we then buried two dead bodies. Now a guy caught us and is blackmailing me to have his way with me and I had to wreck my relationship with Nathan to protect everyone, himself included.'

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