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The sound of bowling pins falling and loud music greeted them as they entered the establishment. Jade cringed, uncomfortable with loud noises. Truth was she'd rather stay at home watch TV than be here, but if Nathan wanted her to be there then she was going to be there with him.

Jade took a look around with a fascinated look.

Nathan chuckled at her behavior. "What's up? Never been to a bowling alley before?"

"Never." Jade said, then she looked at him. He was munching on a handful of snacks with a hand in his pocket. "Where did you found this?"

He pointed at the plastic boxes on a rack behind him.

"It's weird, who never went to a bowling alley as a kid?" He said with a raised eyebrow.

She ignored his question and instead pointed at his hand. "Aren't you supposed to pay for this?"

The right corner of his lips quirked up and he winked at her, and Jade felt her heart miss a beat. She pursed her lips as she looked away, flustered.

"You look stupid when you wink." Jade grumbled, and he gasped in false offense.

He threw his head back to put the sweets in his mouth, and Jade groaned in annoyance.

"Stop stuffing your face you pig! Somebody's gonna notice you!" She whisper-yelled at him, and he snorted.

"What are they gonna do, candyfloss?" He waved his hand around. "Make me puke it back."

"I thought you were supposed to be applying for a job here. Stealing won't make them want to hire your stupid arse."

"And nagging me won't make men want to shag you, sweetheart."

Jade scowled, feeling hurt. "Twat." She grumbled as she walked away with a sour face.

"Wait, Jade come back!" He called, and she stopped walking and turned around to face him with a raised eyebrow.

He started digging again into the boxes of sweets and she huffed.

"Peace offering!" He smiled and reached to give the snacks to her, and she chuckled.

Maybe stealing some dumb sweets wasn't that bad-

"Excuse me." She jumped, startled. They both looked at a middle aged, chubby man staring at them with a disapproving glare. "You can't just help yourself to anything you fancy. This is not a buffet, that's theft. I could have you arrested for that."

"I'm sorry, I'll-" She was about to offer him to pay for all that Nathan ate, but the young man cut her off with an arrogant look towards the man.

"Really? For eating some pick'n'mix?"

"You're paying for the sweets in your mouth and that drink."

"You're right, we-" Jade said, but then again he interrupted her.

"Beverly." He read the employee's tag, and his lips stretched in a mocking sneer. "Isn't that a women's name?"

Jade slapped his arm with a warning glare. "Jesus, Nathan. Shut up."

"I suggest you listen to your girlfriend, pay up and leave." Beverly snapped.

Nathan chuckled as he turned to Jade. "That's brilliant, why did his parents gave him a girl's name?"

His smile collapsed a little when Jade did not even react and stared at him in anger. Unfortunately, he had already started tormenting the poor man, so he might as well pursue.

Sweet Lies | Nathan Young [Misfits]Where stories live. Discover now