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Nathan pushed open the door of his mother's house without even bothering to knock, a habit Louise detested. His mother had invited him over for tea, and he had been actually looking forward to it, he was even slightly happy to see Jeremy again.

"Mum!" He yelled as he searched for her in the tiny house. "Your favourite son is here!"

He entered in the kitchen, and he raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Louise was pouring some boiling water in her teapot while Jeremy was sitting at the table speaking with Jade who was listening to him while eating apple slices.

She set her blue eyes on him. "You're late." She grumbled.

"Hey mum." He kissed Louise on the cheek, and he then looked at Jade in amusement. "What are you doing here?"

"It's Thursday." The corner of his mother's eyes crinkled as she smiled warmly at her son.

He raised an eyebrow. "And?"

"We're having tea here every week." Jade smirked.

"And why am I the last one that knows that information ?" Nathan narrowed his eyes at Jade.

"Because the first time Jade came over was after your funeral." Louise explained as she set the cups on an old, worn out tray.

"First funeral I've seen where nobody was sad." Jade snickered.

"Like you've been to a funeral before." He scoffed.

"Hello?" Jade raised her eyebrows, and she popped a piece of apple in her mouth. "Dead dad, remember?"

"You were, like, two. That doesn't count."

Jeremy tried to conceal his amusement as he watched them bicker, and he sneaked at quick look at Louise, who was smiling to herself as she set the tray full of snacks and tea cups on the table.

"Whatever." Jade rolled her eyes with a lopsided smile. "And we couldn't go the week after because someone was trying to kill us, and the next Thursday someone else was trying to kill us. Then last week it was because of the doctor appointment."

"Doctor appointment ?" Jeremy asked. "Is everything alright ?"

Jade snorted when she noticed that they were more worried about the doctor appointment than the attempted murder.

Louise looked at them in silence, waiting for an answer as she took a seat next to Jeremy. She grabbed her cup and blew softly on it before taking a sip.

"Yeah, it all started when we thought Jade was pregnant." Nathan casually said as he grabbed a scone.

Louise and Jeremy chocked on their tea, and they erupted in a series of coughs as Jade glared at him.

"Did you really have to tell them?" She mumbled.

"Hey, I'm an open book." He smiled innocently.

"I'm not pregnant!" Jade blurted when she saw the way they were looking at her, wide-eyed and incredulous. "It was just a mix of stress and fatigue."

"Jesus." Louise sighed in relief as she held her hand over her racing heart.

"Just ?" Nathan repeated in annoyance. "He told us you were on the verge of burning out. You don't sleep enough, you overwork yourself and you stress too much all the damn time."

She shrugged. "We only have a few weeks left of community service, it'll be fine."

"Ugh. Are you hearing her right now?" He asked Jeremy and Louise with his brows furrowed.

Sweet Lies | Nathan Young [Misfits]Where stories live. Discover now