Jacking up the Jacket man

Start from the beginning

With Jason at the lead, the three companions of his walk by his side to the previously mentioned location.

On their way, they noticed quite a few famous actors and sets of movies they've seen trailers for.

The group then arrived at the set of "Karate bro 7".

Entering a warehouse that held the set they were looking for, the group saw a set that resembled a throne room.

On the set, they saw two people.

One was an old man in an overly designed villain outfit.

The second person was a blond man in black jeans, a black shirt, leather gloves along with a red and white jacket with a star on the back if it.

The second person was a blond man in black jeans, a black shirt, leather gloves along with a red and white jacket with a star on the back if it

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The blond man was widely known as Justin Star, the lead in karate bro 1-7 and many other films.

Justin is an expert in martial arts and a great actor. This is supported by his second job as one of the captains of Rum.


Justin felt a vicious presence that stared through his soul. Looking around he eventually noticed the Hellspawn who glared at the captain with evil intent.

Justin: Cut, cut!

Director: What's wrong Justin?

Justin: I need a little break, I ain't feeling it.

Director:... I guess we're ahead of schedule, so let's call it quits for today.

Director: Wrap it up!

Justin and (Y/n) stared at one another as the crew all around them left.

The three companions of the hellspawn looked around for any signs of Rum.

Once it was just the five of them, the captain spoke.

Justin: Can't believe you figured out I was the captain so fast.

Marcus: You!?

(Y/n): I didn't figure out shit. Your jacket reminded me of how I don't have my jacket.

(Y/n): That's why I'm going to kick your Star-Spangled ass.

Anna: I'm not sure that's the proper use-

(Y/n): Shut up!

Anna: O-okay...

Justin: You're going to kick my ass?

Justin: I don't think so.

(Y/n): And why is that?

Justin: Because I have a slight grudge against you, Hellspawn.

(Y/n): Oh really?

Justin: You beat up a friend of mine in Gin.

(Y/n): Cool. When I kick your ass, you can say hi to your friend when you meet him in the hospital.

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