Day 1 (Chapter 6)

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"Who do we have here?" the man I believe is the owner turned to my direction.

"Hope you like this place already," he said with an evil smirk.

"H h h e llo I think I'm at the wrong place," I said as I shivered. At that moment I was covered with sweat probably cuz I was scared shitless.

"Oh sweetheart you're at the perfect place? Aren't you here for a job?"

"I was but I guess I'm cool jobless.. I think I should take my leave." I muttered still very scared.

"Oh you may but mind you, you won't be leaving this room with a perfect skull cuz the moment you step out there will be a big hole in it so it's a choice to make."

Can you believe this man was smiling while saying all this.. Like I mean how can someone be so cruel like that.
You don't no what the man did before he was killed, my subconscience reminded me.
Well but stilll he shouldn't have killed him.

"Have you made your decision yet," the young man asked bringing me out of my clouded thoughts.

"Yy yyes I'll stay.. It's not like I have a choice." I uttered bitterly.

"I know, " he winked.

Uggh jerk!!

"Okay so come have a seat and let's talk business now."

I wanted to ask where cuz the only chair I could see around was the one the dead man sat on and it was bloody so I gave him a confused look.

"Hmm you can come and sit on my laps or on that chair," he said gesturing to that bloody chair.. He smirked afterwards thinking ill choose to sit on his laps..

"Don't worry I enjoy standing."

"Feisty, I see. Suit yourself then.
Okay so let's talk business.
Do you know what job you are going do here?"

"No please," I answered politely afterall he was going to be my boss.

"So who showed you here?"

"A friend of mine gave me this card to come here."

"Doesn't that friend of yours bear a name?"

"I prefer not to say."

"Mmm why though?"

"Because maybe he trying to help me can cause his death which I don't want."

"Interesting. I admire your loyalty. You're hired."

"Thank you!!" I squealed excitedly. "But what am I to do actually?"

"Hmm let's say you are going to work as a servant just like those women you saw in white."

"You mean those hot women in short dresses are servants??"

"Yhupp. Are you surprised?"


"Anyways do you agree or agree??"

"Isn't it supposed to be do you "agree" or "disagree?"

True but never seen the word disagree in my dictionary.. What does it even mean," he asked like he was completely clueless of it..

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