Welcome to the Underworld

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Who would have thought that I'd die on my wedding night?

I'm here in an unknown world standing in a queue for God knows what. I have lots of questions but who is going to answer them?

"Next," I heard a deep husky voice shout. He was huge with two horns on his head. He had servants by his side and looked like a boss.

I'm a queen so who the hell was he to even think of commanding me, I thought.

"Next," he shouted again angrily.

I made my way to the front where his altar stood.

"Who are you and how did you die?" He asked with authority.

"I am Ashley Andredé and I was shot on my wedding night," I replied bitterly.

"Oh so you are the famous Ashley everyone has been talking about."

"Excuse me what??" I asked confused.

"Shut up young lady. What have you got to offer?"

"As in??" I asked confused again.

"Any expensive jewellery or possession?" He said like he was so certain I had.

"And why will I give you my expensive jewellery?" I asked with a little bit of attitude.

Everyone began laughing.

What's so funny with what I said? I thought in my head.

"Well young missy, Welcome to the underworld. In here I rule so you have to do whatever I say if you want to be given another chance to live."

"But I'm dead," I said unsure.

"Yhupp that you are, but there's a way out," he replied.

"Really?" I squealed.

"So what do you have to offer?" He asked again.

"I have my necklace and ring that cost billions," I said proudly.

"Hmm if you were an average normal person I would have freed you instantly but here lies the case where you are already rich and famous so yours is different.
You have to complete six hundred and sixty six difficult tasks and if you succeed you'll be out of here ......free," he said in those dramatic echooist voice.

"Six hundred and sixty six?" I exclaimed with widened eyes.

"Are you complaining? Mind you, you can choose not to do it and stay here for eternity but I can attest to the fact that that's a very bad choice because the torture alone will be like being shot in both brain and heart a billion times."

I remained speechless for a while before replying.

"Okay, I agree." I replied.

"I knew you will eventually but mind you it won't be easy either. You will suffer but if you're able to endure and make it, you'll be free so I guess it's worth it."

"Yes," I answered faintly.

"I am Dis-pater or as people like to call me, Hades. Guards take her to the cage of fire!" He commanded without even waiting for my  response.


The cage of fire? What in the world is that?

Just then two horrifying guards came and took me to the supposed "cage of fire."

It was a huge cage made of only fire, even the bars weren't metallic but instead fire. The guards stopped just when we reached and I wondered how they were going to open the cage.

My doubts were cleared when I saw a stone on the cage and that was the only part that wasn't made of fire. One guard pricked his tumb for the droplets of blood to drop onto the small stone and the cage magically opened. This reminded me of Kerry and I's blood pact. Oh how I miss him.

I was astonished. In my entire life I had never seen anything like that, well I guess life after death is a whole new adventure.

The guards forcefully pushed me into the cage not even caring if I got hurt, after all I was already dead so what else could happen?

They locked the cage by chanting some weird creepy words which I didn't even comprehend. As soon as the cage was locked, I felt the burn of the cage I could already feel the heat. The cage was made in such a way that if you are standing by it you won't feel the heat till you are locked in. No wonder the guards didn't even flinch.

The fire was so hot in fact it was the hottest fire I had ever felt . My skin began to peel off but as soon as it did a new one came on. Dis-pater was right, this is pure tortue.

Death was a better punishment compared to this and that was what I was wishing for but see the thing is that I am already dead and I was still praying for death hahaha maybe a proper death, one that doesn't involve me getting caged in the hottest fire in the entire world and beneath.

"Get me out of here
Get me out of here.
Do you know who I am
I am Queen Ashley
I'll shoot you all if you don't open this cage this instant
Hey you there come and open this cage
Don't you dare walk away when I'm talking to you.
How dare you," I kept on screaming and shouting profanities. I banged my hand on the fire bars but each time I did that, it felt like I was being wipped with ten metallic chains. I was so exhausted so I decided to give up.

"Kerry where are you?!!" I cried out loud.

I was so thirsty and for the first time I had no maids at my service to order around. Back on earth I used to have water at my disposal. I wasted it and now I need just a drop to quench my thirst. I remember how I used to swim in my pool with all that water and now here I was begging for just a drop.
Karma sure is a bitch.

I wish I could at least cry so I could lick my tears but I guess not all wishes can be granted, my tears had all dried up along with my saliva. I had no tears or saliva, nothing in my possession.

I was just a poor misearable slave in a cage.

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