Chapter 8~ To Wave a Farewell.

Start from the beginning

"I'm a women who wanted a daughter. I was 25 when my husband abducted you from the park. We were trying to have a baby for years after our marriage, but eventually we gave up. One day, I saw you at a grocery store with your parents and Zayn, and I thought that you were the one. So we watched you and your parents. Then on that day, we planned it all. We scooped you up but hadn't meant to kill your father and your mother to be a mourner. I'm sorry Bianca, for everything," She explained. 

I was so shocked out of my wits. 

"Then what happened?" I asked as I clenched my teeth together in anger. Mom swallowed hard. 

" I took you to our house in Bradford, we told you that from now on your name was Bianca Khan, and you obeyed that. We ordered you to call us mom and dad. For the first few months we lived in Bradford under extreme undercover so the cops won't find us. After, we smuggled a pair of plane tickets and we were off to Canada. Your father and I changed our names. My really name wasn't Meena, it was Sabrina," she explained some more. 

I think a lump formed in my throat. 

"What about the photos of me when I was an infant?" 

"All photo shopped." 

A sudden pause. She cleared her throat. 

" I have to go. It took me ages to bring this up to you about you I really am. I'm sorry Bianca, forgive me," she finally said and left into the light. I woke up gasping for air. I felt like air was the only thing missing for me to live, that is if I want to live. I sat up, wiped the sweat off my brow and took a glimpse of my alarm clock. It was 6:00am. Oh, it was time for me to get ready for my departure.  I got up and changed into something formal. I got a cup of tea for me to sip while I made sure I got my stuff. I can't believe that my mom and dad aren't real parents, and the fact that somewhere in this world, my birth mother is a widow. 

I think it was in my head, and all of this was false. A highly false allegation. I was ready to leave. I can't believe I was leaving for good. It makes me want to cry, but i held it all in. I held in all my emotions, my crap and brushed off of me. I took my cargo behind me, as I walked out the door. I took one last look at my dorm. Wahliya's stuff was properly in place as it is, but mines were bear. A bed stood there bare naked. Lifeless, was the appropriate word. 

 I strolled down the dark hallway. It was quiet, not a sound to be heard. All you could hear was the rolling of wheels from my luggage. I went to the security desk and gave them my keys to my dorm room. I felt sad when I handed my keys to the guard at the front desk. My head faced downward as I continued to stroll out to campus grounds to my misery and shattered dreams. 

It was dark and rainy. A perfect day for me to sorrowful. I sighed heavily. I have no family, I thought to myself. If I did have a family, then where were they. Where is my mother? I was sad yet angry at the same time. For heaven's sake, I was a 22 year old grown women, acknowledging where my mother can be? I should be looking at the bright side of things instead of the dumb ones. These couples raised me to become a fine, beautiful, young and degraned women. Who cares if they weren't my birth parents, at least they were the only ones whom I proudly called mom and dad. 

A car drove up by the curb. Was it Zayn? I waited for somebody to come out, just ot be sure. It was him. He was waving at me. Yup! It was him alright. I waved back smiling. He ran up to me, as the gallant man he was, took my luggage to his car. I walked to his car and climbed in the passenger seat. I watched the rain drops forming on my window. I dragged my finger on the window as I followed a raindrop to the edge it wear it became into a full liquid instead of a droplet. 

A teardrop is what I thought about the rain droplets. The clouds cry as it can't handle its emotions which have built  in them, thus it cries out ocean water. That's how I felt. Building up the emotions in me then one day, tears will pour out of me and the cycle continues. 

Zayn climbed into the drivers' seat. He leaned over and kissed me on my forehead. I half smiled. 

"Good morning babe, how are you?" he greeted me. 

"Good morning to you, too. I'm good and how about you?" I asked him quietly that it came out into mumbles of gibberish. 


He started the engine as it roared. We drove away, making a big splash outside on a puddle.It was a silent drive to London. I saw the sign that read "Bradford." A tear rolled down my cheek. I brushed it away. 

" It's raining cats and dog," Zayn stirred up a conversation. I turned my neck, and looked at him. My frown slapped on into a cheerful smile. 

" Yes, s-so h-how's Ayesha?" I stuttered. I wonder why was I stuttering. After all it was Zayn. 

" Yeah, she's doing great," he replied as he took a right turn, "but she's gonna miss you gravely." 

A solitary moment right there. I didn't know what to say. 

" I know,but this happened so fast," I told him as I drifted from the conversation. 

He grunted. Was that a reassuring grunt or a sarcastically one?

"Zayn, I need to tell you something," I blurted anxiously. 


" Do you still remember what happened when we were 4 years old at a park?" I questioned. My stomach churned inside out, this way, that way. 

He gulped, he opened his mouth but nothing came out. He kept his eyes on the road. He burrowed his eyes, as if he had to recover his past and ring it to the future. I waited for an answer. Still nothing. I stared in a different direction. 

"Yes, I still do remember. I lost my best friend at the park. I witnessed a murder of her dad and how she got abducted by a stranger in black. I ran because she called me for help. Unfortunately, I fell and lost her," he explained in one short breath. I could see his eyes swell up and red. 

" I Know but I had a dream about this and I spoke with my mother, too. She pleaded for my forgiveness," I told him. 

He nodded. 

" Can we not talk about this," he pleaded. 


I understood why he asked me to stop talking about this topic. It was too much for him to relive the past. I shouldn't have brought that up. Underneath the past, there lies a bunch of unanswered questions waiting to be asked. I'd rather not. I should let this one slide. 

Sooner then we knew it, we were in the Heathrow airport terminal. We got out of the car. Zayn took out my bags and placed them into the cart. He pulled the cart for me. What a gallant man he was. I placed my arm locked into his as he escorted me to the terminal. I checked in and waited in the waiting room beside Zayn.

I put my head on his shoulder. He stroked my hair softly. I took a look at my watch. 9:00am. It was time for me to go through security. I got up. Zayn got up too. 

"Time for me to go," I said. 

" I was afraid about that," he said and playfully pushed me. I chuckled. 

" Goodbye Zayn." 

He grabbed me and hugged me tight A little too tight, that I wasn't able to breath. He let go of me. I gasped for air. I leaned up to him and kissed him. I walked to the security, but before I entered, I took one last glance back. Zayn was crying. I could tell. He waved farewell to me. 

"Bye-bye. I'm sorry!" I saw him mouth out. Those same words he said when I first got abducted. I waved back and left. To wave a farewell is what is was. A goodbye.


HEY Y"ALL! Hope i shocked ya with this one. I know right?! Anyways, plze don't forget to vote and comment, plze and thanks you. Got any suggestions? Comment away. I would be happy to take all your suggestions.  By the way, can you guys read my new book called," my mollycoddle brother A wahliya and Zayn Fan fic," please?! Not a lot of people are reading it. If you guys got time, can you please check it out? Please? Thank you :)

Thank you and love y'all 

Luv~ the crazy author

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