Chapter 28~ Meeting Her.

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As we entered the building, it is nothing like I imagined. I thought it was going to be a nut house, well that's obviously what people imagine when a mental asylum comes into mind. Honestly, it looked like a regular hospital. There were patients walking and sitting around, nurses working at the registration/admission desk, the normal things that a hospital has. I was so nervous before, but now everything seems to be normal. The anxiety started to lift off of my shoulders. Gradually, I began to entwine my fingers from Zayn's and  confidently walked towards the registration desk. He tried grabbing my hand in mid air. I turn around. I smile slightly. He looked at me with so much determination. 

"I'll be back, I promise," I told him. He nodded and went to go sit down somewhere. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in then out again. I waited in line for my turn. While, I was in line, I noticed how much I was about to rebuild my life again. Yes, there were bumps on this rollercoaster but now maybe I can smooth those lines out and I think that this was a turning point to it. The starting of something brand new!  Today was the day. 

"Can I have the next person in line please," the nurse hollered. I woke up from my daydream. I strolled over. The nurse was a middle aged lady with red auburn hair, granny glasses and a huge nasty mole sticking out visibly near her nose. 

"Um, yes, do you know the patient Sharmin Akhter?" I asked as I showed her the picture of my mother. She took a moment to analyze the picture. She rubbed her chin as she studied the photograph. She looked at me and then back at the picture. She did his several times. Suddenly, a smile crept upon her face. I gulped. 

"Yes, I do know this patient, I will page one of the nurses who works in that ward to take you to her," she replied. 

I nodded. 

"In the mean time, you can have a seat and I will call you when the person comes, alright?" 

"Yes, no problem," I responded softly and ran to sit beside Zayn. 

I wrapped my arm around his as I placed my head on it. 

"Bianca, so what's the news?" he questioned as he slightly shoved my head up.

"We found her," I giggled. I stretched my arms for a hug and he hugged me back. We hugged for the longest of time. I didn't know if it was me but I started to get horny whilst we were hugging. I felt Zayn was, too since he was rubbing my back and each time he did that, he would inch lower my back. I let go of him as quickly as possible before things got a little chaotic. 

He sat back down and he started to clear his throat. My cheeks burned with shyness and embarrassment.  I picked up a mental and health illness magazine and pretended to read it. I crossed my leg over my resting leg. 

Soon, the receptionist called my name over on the P.A. 

"Visitor for patient number 011296 please come to the registration desk, thank you!"

That was one loud P.A system. I got up and walked to the desk as Zayn followed me. 

"That's me," I presented myself. 

The nurse looked at Zayn hardly. 

"Is that your husband miss?" she asked, squinting her eyes. 

Zayn and I eyeballed each other. 

"He's my boyfriend," I blurted out. The nurse raised one eyebrow and smirked. 

"So nurse Wanda can show you were this patient is at," she continued. Nurse Wanda was a fat Latino lady who had black hair, a mole like the nurse at the desk, and a flat nose. She was a spitting image of Consuella, the housekeeper for superman! 

Rollercoaster (Sequel to "So We Meet Again?" Zayn Malik Fan Fic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें