Author's Note

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Hey guys!  So  the book is almost coming to an end! AW! I know, but don't fret! Book three is coming soon! It's called, "Back for you." It's going to be the last installment to this series. I never knew that I could write a whole trilogy in a matter of  almost a year XD But then again, it wouldn't have been possible without you guys you know. So thank you sooooooooooooooooooo very much! I love you guys VERY VERY VERY times 100 to the power a million much! 

So after this author's note the very last chapter for this book is gonna be the next chapter! AH!!!!!!!!!!! But don't worry it's gonna be good ( I hope! )  But before I go writing the new chapter, I want to make it clear that if you want to advertise something like your book or asking me to follow you on twitter, please advertise on my profile or  send me a direct message, please, since I don't like it when people advertise in the comment section of a chapter of my book. Hope it's not too much to ask. 

Anyways, Thank you for everything guys! See you in the next chapter :) :* 

Love~ The author <3

Rollercoaster (Sequel to &quot;So We Meet Again?&quot; Zayn Malik Fan Fic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora