Chapter 26~ The Murder's Wife.

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I closed my eyes as I tried not to focus on what I've read in the archive hubfile about my husband. I have officially became a murder's wife. I can see it now; the murder's wife living with British pop star Zayn Malik, splashed all over tomarrow's newspaper as breaking news. The police will detain me for questions about Zain--- I mean Ali. I would probably get a plea bargaining resulting in a lesser sentence than Ali in jail. I felt like this is the whole Paul Bernardo's case back in 1993. Where he and his ex-wife, Karla Homoloka brutally killed and tortured  several teenage girls in Toronto. Karla got a plea bargain since she helped officials by giving evidence which reduced her sentence from a lifetime imprisonment to 12 years jail time. Wait! I didn't help him commit a crime, he did it all by himself,so this Bernado case doesn't apply to me at all. What was I thinking?! 

Zayn Stroked my hair and hummed a tune that I couldn't make out of. My ear was close to his chest which I could hear his heart beat a nice lub - dub rhythm.  I felt like I could stop sobbing and breath. I lifted my head up from his grasp and rubbed my nose on my sleeve. I know it was disgusting but I didn't have a tissue. My eyes followed  Zayn's eyes. There was sympathy in his eyes. I could sense it. I think he was addressing it to me. He opened his mouth and closed it again, probably thought that he should say anything and thought it was best to leave it as it is. His body language did all the talking especially those eyes of his. 

"Zayn..." I choked. 

"Yes, Bianca," he says as he leans forward.

"Can we go someplace else, please," I begged. There was a short pause and he nodded while biting the bottom of his lips. 

We got up. I clutched myself tight and tried hard not to cry again. A hand went up my back and I couldn't contempt myself but to release what was in me. 

"It's ok Bianca, forget about him. You're safe with me you know. I promise I won't let anything happen to you," he assured me but you could hear the anger in his tone. Zayn, too, was mad at Ali for making some much mayhem to the world and to us. 

"Zayn, I know but I'm scared, " I stuttered. He hushed me, putting a finger on my lip. Pulling back his index finger he pushed me forward and kissed me hard. I was feeling much better now. After the romantic bit, I sighed. I even felt a smile brought upon my face. 

'Thanks," I said. 

"You welcome," replied Zayn as he smiled, too. 

As we were about to leave the buliding, surely we passed by the bookshelf were I found that book. Then it hit me. I halted. 

"Zayn, can you excuse me for a moment," I asked.

 I wandered off to where I  found the book. I searched for iut. Ah-ha! I found it. I opened the book and found potenitally my mother's name. 

 "Sharmin Akhter, admitted in 2000. Age: 26" it read. There was a picture beside the description. She did look like me. She was around the same age as me when she got admitted at the hosptial. Wonder what hosptial it was called? I flipped through all the pages to find the hospital's name and address at the back of the book. 

 Zayn crept upon me from behind. He rested  his chin on my shoulder and wrapped his arms around my waist. 

"She looks just like you ," he said in a meldious voice. He swung me back and forth. He grunted a little. 

"Yeah, I know," I replied as I run my fingers along the picture. She had the same brown almost black hair, dark eyes, medium tanned skin but the only thing different was that she looked super skinny----- almost aneroxic. 

"Do you know where she's admitted?"

"Hmmm... it says that she was admitted at this hosptial called, 'Lynfield Mount hospital', " I said. 

He let go of me and scratched  his beard ( yes, he did have a beard).

"well, I do know where it is, so I will obviously take you there," he stated. I glared at him a little. 

"Zayn, you are being vain again," I told him. He chukled. 

"yeah, I know, I was just testing you, babe."

He kissed me on the forehead and walked out of the library while handing me his library card. I went to the check out lane where there was an old librarian, around in her 50s with glasses that fell on the bridge of her nose, bag under her eyes. Typical librarian lady. 

As I walked out of the library to find Zayn's car in the parking lot I saw a cop's car. On top of that I saw cops. They were lingering around the area. I gulped and fast walked out of the scene. It wasn't until one of the cop's started to talk. 

"Hey, excuse me!" a male cop spoke. I glanced back, without thinking, I started to sprint. I heard footsteps behind me. He was chasing after me. 

OH NO! I think they found out! They found out about me. They found out that I'm the murder's wife!  Now, what shall I ever do to save my hid!


Hey guys! I'm sooooooo sorry that it's been over a month that I didn't update. It was because my buzy schedule. I hope you guys will forgive me, please? Please read, vote and feel free to comment. hanks! U know I love you all so much right! 

Lots of love! 

~The crazy yet busy author.

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