Im not sorry-

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The world sped up into fire, flames battling to consume the other. Some born of light, some born of hate. You would never know this but the entire room pumped with magic, the soft pulse racked up and down the walls in a steady motion. The air was clear yet misted with the mystery stuff. The floor shimmered if you looked at it with just the right glint. The shadow of a dragon danced along the corners.

Morgause throwing spell after spell at Merlin, slowly backing up. If it weren't for the mercy placed in emrys's heart, the witch would of surly died, and maybe he story would have had a different ending. But alas here we are, merlins mercy being his greatest strength and weakness.

Arthur was in a heated battle with his own former knight, along side morgana who was battling Agrivaine. Arthur always thought there was something strange with sir dallent, he just never thought he had the heart to betray Camelot, he had always seemed so happy there.

As for Agrivaine, morgana was dealing with him well. He had no true strength here and every spell casted sent sharp waves of sound pumping through the air. The pulse of the wind, wild, and trees. Agrivaine stumbles as cuts appeared where the simply sound just neared his arm. Morgana and Arthur did not share that endearing trait of merlins. They came here prepared to kill.

Arthur rolled under sir dallents legs, shooting his sword in a upward arc, sending the smallest slash on dallents leg. He helped and shot his sword straight forward then quickly blended it downward. A move of which Arthur specifically and verbally frowned on. Often reminding his knights not to use it, the sword move did not take use of wind flow and was awfully clumsy, which is why Arthur knew dallent had done it just to spite him. With a growl Arthur slapped his blade against dallents and spun it, sending it flying out of his hands. Morgause temporality forgot merlin and sent a spell towards his sword, sending it back in his hand. Merlin used this opportunity to jump on the ground, confusing morgause. Then proceeded to shoot a spell to her, stunning her onto the ground. Unfortunately it didn't last long and Merlin was sent tumbling into a wall. He immediately got up and muttered a spell, holding a blood soaked hand to his head. He straightened up, and proceeded to send a fire ball her way.

Morgana has now picked up a sword and was battling Agrivaine the old style, she jumped off the ground and wrapped her legs around his neck, spinning until he fell on the ground where she proceeded to attempt to stab him, only for Agrivaine to roll out of the way in the nick of time.

Arthur almost laughed if it weren't for the sword making another arch to his face. He twisted and ran around dallent, sending a sword into his back. The blade covered itself in the blood of the former trader. He turned white as the falling snow and fell on the ground.


Arthur looked up to see the world snowing around them. He realized why falling didn't hurt that much, because Merlin was making it rain, the freeze, inside.

God he loved that idiot.

Laughing somewhat mentally morgause looked over to see her ally dead, slumped like a rag doll. She growled and sent a spell flying Arthur's way. Merlin shrieked and waved his hand, the spell hit the wall sending cracks all up the building.

Arthur jumped back into action and started helping morgana, who was doing just fine but Arthur wanted to be of some assistance. He spun with his blade turned on its side, his arm out at a 83 degree angle. Agrivaine however was prepared and sent his own blade flying up as he leaned backwards into the snow, sweeping a kick, and trying to stab Arthur's legs. He jumped over it and rolled to the side, quickly going for a stab, Agrivaine gritted his teeth and jumped up.

"Oi" Arthur scrunched his eyebrows and looked over to sir dallent slowly getting up. He's still ALIVE?! Just as he got on his knees, a tiger came out of no where and well, picked him up and left. Arthur stared at the spot sir dallent was just actually taken by a tiger, probably to be painfully and gruesomely malled. He looked at Merlin who just shrugged. Morgause growled.

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