The same old, same old

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Sam's POV:

Bang Bang into the room... I woke up to the sound of "Bang Bang" playing, if I'm being completely honest I don't really like the song, but Ms. Gurch HATES! the song, apparently it's 'inappropriate and annoying'...whatever. Another day I thought groggily as I began to get ready for school. Although I should say the same day I've been living for the last 4 years. My schedule is the same, and everything that happens happens the exact same way. I'm not sure if I'm wishing for a change or just irritated this morning. Today is  afterall career day, the day all kids with out parents to show off their carrers despise. I can already hear Veronica Small's laughter and taunting. It's really kind of messed up but then again wat isn't messed up in this world. Because it's also messed up my mother died at child birth and my father, well, he was...

"Salma, get down here it's time for school!"

"I'm coming!" I screamed back at the annoying Mrs.Gurch, the lady that runs the orphanage. What i don't get is that this is a community orphanage and is technically run by the state, so why don't they get rid of her. She is horrible with children. UGH!

Well school was a bust, as it is everyday. Of course today was worse for obvious reasons. I dropped my back pack on the ground and immediately ran over to the desk where my prized project was. I was building a, cellphone. Ok, yea, totally superficial but I'm a tween girl I should have one. So if the only way I'm getting one means I have to build it, then so be it. If I do finally get it to work (well by if I mean when, I am a genius after all) I'll have to hack into like verizon or something so I can have service. DONE!!, I started dancing like crazy. "Woo!" 

"Salma!!" Here she comes. Curse these thin walls. I could practically feel her walking up the steps. Even the spiders were crawling away trying to find a hiding spot (Yea, it's a low budget orphanage). Then the face that makes childrean scream in terror and grown men cry was staring right at me. 

"Salma," she spat "What have I told you about unecessary noise?!" I looked her up and down almost in a challenging way. 

" That only you and your giant feet can make it." She growled, I put on my best innocent face and looked directly into the eyes of the devil herself. She stuttered for a few seconds clearly confused by, well just about everything. She finally said,

"Just shut up" She really is a charmer! She started thumping out of the room when she got into the hallway I peaked out the door and screamed,

"I prefer Sam, thanx!" Her fist shot up into the air and she screamed back. "Shut up!" 

Author's Note:

Ok so obviously this is my first fic and would like to hear what you think so far I'm probably gonna write another chapter today or tomorrow. Suggestions are always accepted and appreciated. Thanx! 

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