Maybe I Shouldn't Have Come

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Fowler finishes what he had originally come here to do then left, saying something about the Pentagon.
You have to retrieve your items from their hidden spot in the park, and Bumblebee was kind enough to drive you there, as you weren't sure which way the park was.

It wasn't a lot of stuff, just a cloth satchel with a peace sign on it, a too-big hoodie, three bars of chocolate, and a dirty, old stuffed bear named Beverly. You found the bear in a ditch on the side of the road, missing the left arm and an eye. You could tell someone had once had a strong emotional attachment to the bear, and as per your people's custom, you'll take care of it until it's ready to be loved by another.

Returning, you set up your things in the corner of the human platform.  The base is comfortably silent, everyone is engaged in their own tasks. 

Over the next two weeks, you begin to bond more with each of the Autobots. Bumblebee is difficult to understand at first, but you were given a commlink and a handheld translator that tells you what the scout says as he says it. Evidently, each of the humans was equipped with one as well, even though Rafael didn't need it to understand Bumblebee. The scout is kind and bubbly and has stated multiple times that he's excited to have a new member of the team. He is Raf's guardian.

Arcee is very strong-hearted, a good and loyal friend. She is a good fighter, and her small frame allows her to weave in and out of reach of her enemies. You can tell just by the way she carries herself, not only that she is formidable in combat, but also that she is confident and headstrong, but knows when she's beaten. All in all, a good person to have on your side. She is Jack's guardian.

Bulkhead was loud and sometimes obnoxious, but he has a good heart and "the spirit of a Wrecker" in Arcee's words. He likes heavy metal, which is something you'd learned Miko enjoyed as well. He is her guardian, so it is nice that they have the same interests. He's told you about adventures he had with a friend, a fellow Wrecker, named Wheeljack. The stories were certainly exaggerated a bit, but they were fun to listen to nonetheless. Bulkhead held a certain fondness in his eyes as he recounted his tales.

Ratchet is very grumpy. But, you can tell he cares for his friends and teammates, even under that scowl of his. He is a good scientist and a good medic. Ratchet is also a good friend, and seems to have a close relationship with Optimus, which is evident because Optimus continually calls him "old friend". He gets fed up easily, mainly with Bulkhead, and likes to throw large wrenches at those who annoy him. ((He's a mood.))

Optimus is a good leader. He is resilient and skillful, knowledgeable, and unshakeable. He's kind to you and his teammates, and "kicks Decepticon butt" according to Miko. You haven't seen him in battle yourself, but you do not doubt that he is as good as people say he is. You have to admit, you were a little bit surprised when he trusted you with the story of his homeland, but then again, you told them of yours.

You are pulled out of your reflection when the ground bridge opens. Bulkhead and Arcee emerge from the swirling blue portal. Arcee tosses the Energon scanner to Ratchet.

"We found some." Arcee says, "It'll be enough to replenish our stores, at least."

The relief was obvious on Ratchet's face. He'd been venting to you his worries absently while he worked, and he'd mentioned being low on Energon a few times. This was probably a big weight off his shoulders. 

Ratchet nods his understanding. Arcee and Bulkhead gather the empty crates meant to store Energon and go back through the portal. Bumblebee also rushes through to help. Optimus is about to follow but stops to listen when you address him.

"Is there any way I can help?" You ask. Optimus thinks for a moment.

"I'm not sure if you'll be able to help, but you are welcome to come along. Perhaps there could be something we could use your assistance with." He replies. You smile and leap off the human platform, shifting into a northern harrier and swooping up from your dive at the last second. 

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