Oh, You Don't Like Bullies

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The past fifty years have been strange. For you, anyway.

You see, you are (as far as you know) the last remaining survivor of your kind. Your home planet was struck by a meteor, and there was only so much time to get people onto ships. All of the ships were supposed to fly together in a pack, for safety.

But in your hurry, you didn't take into consideration the flying debris of your home.

Many ships were destroyed, others knocked off course. You were stuffed into an escape pod and ejected right before your ship exploded.

Then the cryostasis put you under for who knows how long.

When you woke up, you were on the planet called Earth. The intelligent life on this planet wasn't as advanced as your people's, but it was advancing quickly.

You also found that 'humans' were more kind to you if you took the form of one of their furry companions. The 'German shepherd' works well for you.

Years pass, and you do a lot of exploring. It's all fascinating, and you realized a few years ago that you are glad to call this place your new home.

You are trotting happily down the road towards the education building. Sometimes when you're bored you would walk some of the children there home. You honestly found them adorable.

You are a bit disappointed to find that the children you'd walk home are picked up in vehicles by their parents.

You don't have time to mope on it, however, when you hear a sneering voice from around the corner. You pad over to investigate and you see a young boy, no older than 12, being held by his collar by a much older boy, probably 17 or so.

The older one is demanding something from the little one, but you don't care enough to actually listen to what he wants. You approach the pair, growling in an attempt to scare the bully away. He doesn't notice you.

You bark, and both heads swivel towards you. The younger one looks confused, but the older one simply looks annoyed.

"Get outta' here, you stupid mutt."

You take a few steps forward, still growling, and you see a bit of fear filter into the older boy's eyes. He shouts again, "Shoo, you dumb dog!"

His resolve breaks when your growl morphs into a snarl and you lunge, latching onto his pant leg.

He yells in alarm and drops the other boy, trying to shake you off. You hold on long enough to make it seem like you were trying to keep hold, before releasing the frightened boy. He runs, and you chase him for a few meters just to make sure he won't come back.

Satisfied after he gets in his car and drives off, you turn back to the school and lock eyes with the younger boy whom you'd protected. He seems a bit nervous as you approach, possibly thinking you'd attack him too.

You stop a few feet away and sit, trying to show that you meant him no harm. Slowly, you lie down as well.

The boy adjusts his glasses before reaching toward you with his palm out. When you make no move to show aggression, he gently lays his hand on your head.

You tilt your head up and lick his palm, finally convincing the boy you were friendly. He smiles, pats your head, and begins talking to you quietly.

"Thank you for helping me. I guess you don't like bullies, huh?"

You bark in agreement, your tail starting to wag on its own.

He laughs and stands from his place on the ground. He pulls his bag onto his shoulders and takes tentative steps to the front of the building. He keeps looking over his shoulder to see if you are following. You stand and bound after him.

He greets two other people, a boy, and a girl. The girl perks up when she sees you following the boy, which also grabs the attention of the taller boy next to her.

The girl pips excitedly, "Raf! I didn't know you had a dog!"

"I don't," 'Raf' replies, "She just sorta showed up. She scared Vince pretty badly too." He adjusts his glasses again.

The girl starts petting you as soon as you sit down. You let her, knowing that it makes humans happy.

The older boy kneels down and looks on your neck for something. "She doesn't have a collar. Do you think she's a stray?" He asks Raf, patting your back while the girl coos at you.

"Maybe she has a chip?" The girl suggests.


A blue motorcycle pulls up, with a human rider. They don't take off their helmet, but they do address the children.

"What's up with the pooch?" The voice is definitely female, and all three turn to face her.

"Vince was being a douche and she put him in his place. Isn't that right puppy?" The girl with pink hair stripes answers, with the last part being directed at you.

Two other vehicles arrive. One is a black and yellow muscle car and the other is a dark green jeep. The yellow one beeps and whirs. You think it means something, but you can't tell what. You are more focused on the woman on the bike.

Her body is stiff, and the little movement she makes is uncomfortable, unnatural. The children deep in conversation, you walk over to her and sniff her leg. She has no scent.

Immediately, your tail puffs up in alarm. You flatten your ears and growl very lightly, as more of a warning to the children than a threat to the woman.

The kids look at you confused and concerned. The woman just laughs.

"I think the pooch is onto me."

The woman's form fizzles away and you take a step back, confused. If the woman wasn't real, then who was driving the bike?

A voice comes from the jeep, "C'mon Miko, Ratchet will scrap me if we're late again."

The girl, Miko, groans, but gets in the jeep anyway. The female voice speaks again, "We should get going too. C'mon Jack, let's go."

The two vehicles speed away, leaving you, Raf, and the muscle car. Raf turns to you to say goodbye, but he stops and brightens with an idea.

"Why don't you come with us, girl?"

The car beeps again, and Raf pouts.

"Oh, c'mon Bee! Ratchet can scan her for a chip, and if she does end up having an owner we can always take her back!" The boy pleads. "Pleaaaaase?"

More beeping and Raf smiles.

"Yes!" He turns and beckons you over. You walk over as one of the back doors of the car pop open and Raf climbs inside. He pats the empty seat next to him and you hop up beside him. The door shuts and the car takes off.

A/n: this is just something I had the idea for. If you wanna branch off on this idea, go for it. Idk when this will be updated next.

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