Oh, Cool.

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You don't know what to expect, and that makes you anxious. You shift uncomfortably, lying down, then standing up, turning around and repeat. The young boy with glasses notices your discomfort and tries to ease your anxiety.

"Easy, girl. There's nothing to worry about. You'll see." Raf pets your head.

More driving through the endless expanse of desert, and eventually, the car drives off the dirt road and straight towards one of the outcrops of stone that speckle the landscape. You keep expecting the car to slow, but it never does. Barking loudly, you startle the boy seated next to you. He doesn't process what is alarming you.

"Girl? What's wrong?" He exclaims worriedly. 

You take this as 'He doesn't realize we are hurdling toward a wall of rock'. You put yourself in between Raf and the passenger seat, hoping to provide him a bit of extra protection from the crash. 

The crash.

The crash?

There is no crash. You look up, out the window, and see two giant panels sliding closed, sealing you off from the outside world.

 You're inside the land form. 

Raf blinks a few times. Then he laughs, finally realizing what had you so worked up.

"Oh my gosh! I'm sorry, pup! You must've been terrified!" He holds your head between his hands and looks into your eyes with sympathy. You just make a whine, showing your displeasure and also your relief.

You both turn your attention to light as the muscle car exits the tunnel into a large, open bunker of sorts. The ceiling is rather high, and against one wall are multiple large monitors displaying strange characters. It's definitely not any human language you know of, but you don't know a lot about humans.

Next to the monitors is a raised platform with guard rails to prevent people from falling, along with a set of stairs leading up to it. Two small forms can be seen leaning against the railing.

Then you turn your head just a bit more to the left. Three figures, each taller than at least 12 feet, stood across from the platform, seemingly communicating with the small ones. Their heads turn towards your vehicle as you roll in, before coming to a stop. The car gives a few beeps.

"Hey, Bee. What took you?" The smallest of the large, robotic figures asks, receiving a few whirs in reply from the yellow vehicle. You still don't know what it means. The side door pops open, signaling you to exit. As much as you want to stay semi-hidden in the backseat, you follow Raf out, searching his features for signs of distress. There are none. Instead, he seems excited, waiting for reactions from the robots. 

Words are exchanged, but you don't really hear them. All of your attention is on the vehicle you just came out of. The door shuts, and then mechanical whirs are heard. Not the kind it makes to communicate, however, but sounds that indicate the shifting and unfolding taking place before your eyes. You can do nothing but stare in shock and awe as the car unfolds to reveal a humanoid body, similar to the other large figures in the room.

A voice pips from the platform, "Aw, I was hoping for a bigger reaction from her." 

The girl in black puts her phone away, disappointed. Then all eyes are on you. You check Raf for any distress. Again, none, but you still aren't sure what to do. 

Luckily, you don't have to do anything. The red and white robot takes a few steps forward, addressing the yellow one with annoyance.

"Bumblebee, why on EARTH would you bring a canine here?" The annoyed bot sighs, exasperated. The yellow one beeps in defense, gesturing to the boy at your side. The white one turns to Raf. 

That's Not My Dog (TFP x Alien!Shapeshifting!reader) Under Rewriting!Where stories live. Discover now