Chapter 6

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When I board the airplane I have to choose between sitting next to a what appears to be a 70 year old man or a girl that looks my age. I sit next to the girl.
"Hello." she says politely as I take my seat, putting my carry-ons above me.
"Hi." I say looking down at my phone.
"My name's Brooke."
"Hello Brooke, I'm Melanie." I say smiling at her.
"Well why are you going to England, if you don't mind me asking." Brooke asked.
"Actually I won this trip on TV and I'm going over to England to see my boyfriend. He just left unexpectedly on his tour. He's in a band."
"Oh well that's interesting." Brooke states. "I'm in the same exact situation. Do you happen to know Calum Hood?"
I stare at her in shock.
"Wait, are you Calum's girlfriend!? Oh my gosh Luke is my boyfriend! I wonder how we never met."
"Oh, we're a new couple." she says shyly looking at the airplane ground.
The airplane takes off and we talk about the boys for a while, laughing.

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