Chapter Seventy-Seven Do You Remember

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I Think I'm In Love- Kat Dahlia

"Dallas." I groan as he drags me to where ever he was taking me that happened to be at the school. Why he was taking me to school, I had no idea, but I had a feeling I was going to find out in no time. "Why are we here?" I was still gonna be annoying about it though. Dallas pulling me to a parking space and I look around as we come to a stop. For some reason I was expecting something weird to happen. Cause this was weird. Dallas was being weird. He wasn't talking to me, he wasn't saying a word, making a sound, he barely looked like he was even breathing. But he turns and faces me as we stand in the parking spot and he motions around.

"Do you know where we are?" He asks and I look to the school that was five feet away before my eyes lazily go back to him.

"Oh, I wonder." I say and he smirks.

"This is the place I first saw you. Where you parked in my parking spot and then punched me in the face." He rubs his jaw with a smile as he looks around. "Man that was a hell of a punch too." I smile remembering that day...

     "You're in my spot." A male voice growls next to me. I look and my eyes meet hazel ones. Great. Him. I roll my eyes.

He has thick brown hair and you already know his eye color. Hazel. His skin was tan from what I could see and he wore a grey shirt with a leather jacket and dark jeans. He's one of the others I assume. "I don't see your name on it." I say as he gets off his bike setting his helmet down, and not taking his eyes off me. His glare would be intimidating to others, but to me, it was nothing.

"Move your bike." He says. He really wants this parking spot. I cross my arms.

"No." I say firmly. He looks taken back that I didn't obey him.

"What did you say?" He asks stepping closer.

"Did I stutter?" I ask tilting my head a little bit. That's when I notice people slowly starting to surround us.

"I don't know what makes you so stupid, but it works." He says in a calm, angry voice. He doesn't seem to care we're attracting a crowd. I didn't either.

"I would like to see things from your point of view, but I can't seem to get my head that far up my ass." I say as I hear a laugh. Hazel (the nickname I'm giving him) looks to his left as I do the same spotting one of the guys in a leather jacket, shoving his fist in his mouth. Hazel sent him a glare before turning his glare back to me.

"You know, it's pointless to make fun of you because it will take you the rest of the day to figure it out." He says leaning against his bike. I raise an eyebrow.

"Oh I'm sorry." I say putting my hand over my heart. "You must've mistaken me for someone who gives a shit."

     I couldn't help but chuckle at the memory. "God, I really did not like you then." I say with a smile as he looks me in the eyes.

     "If someone were to have told me then, that we'd be where we are now together, I would have told them they're crazy." He chuckles. "You were my biggest challenge. You stood up to me when no one ever had the balls to, and you knocked me on my ass with one solid punch." He smiles and steps toward me, grabbing my hips and pulling me closer to him. "You gave me a challenge, and while everyone thought I was going to kill you, it wasn't true. I was shocked at how someone so small had so much power. I wanted to know your secret. I wanted to know how you had so much  strength in your soul. A raging fire in your heart.

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