Chapter Seventy-Eight Track Them All Down

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Dance Monkey- Tones and I

One Week later

I stand leaning against the railing of the bridge and watch them from afar. Dallas, Ryder, Selene and Wesley. They looked like they were about to part ways and I wanted so badly to say goodbye, but I couldn't. I couldn't go near them. Not yet. None of them could know I was still alive yet. Flashes of what happened flash through my head as I remember the shot. Felix crying. How I was bleeding out and I saw a light.

"My son betrayed me." He snarls. "He took her when no one was looking and left. I don't know where they are. I don't know where he's taking her. But she looked dead to me. It's all I could hope for." When he says that, a man appears in the doorway, quietly as to not draw attention and his eyes meet mine. I raise my gun to shoot, but his was already raised, and he pulls the trigger, hitting me in the chest. Someone shoots him as I fall backwards on the ground, everything becoming blurry.

     "Grenade!" Someone shouts and then an explosion happens as people fall back for cover, and I was dragged back by someone as more explosions happen, my people falling down. I look up seeing Felix and a grenade at his chest. With out hesitation, I grab it, pull it loose and chuck it inside the house, the house exploding as people ran out, and someone takes Dane's father as gun fire breaks out again but they get away. I wince as Felix stops dragging me and comes into view pushing down on my chest as blood covers his hands.

     "You're going to be fine." He says as I look down and liquid fills my throat making me cough out blood. "Blake, you're gonna be fine, alright?" Instead of listening, my eyes look to Dallas and I nod.

     "Find her." I croak out and he nods cocking his gun as him, Archer, Eddie, and Rocco follow him away. My people surround me as I look to Felix. "Guess I'm getting what I deserve." I say and he shakes his head.

      "You don't deserve to die." He says as I see tears fill his eyes and I tilt my head slightly. "Where's a medic!" He shouts as people scramble around helping the other injured people, so much noise blurring together, it was hard to think and focus. "Hey-"

     "Felix." I wince out bringing my hand to his cheek and making him look to me. "It'll be alright." I hear sirens in the distance but I ignore it and keep my eyes locked with his. "I love you Felix Russo." I say.

      "I love you too, Blake." He whispers as a tear falls down his cheek. "But you're not going to die on me, you hear?"

       "Felix, it'll be-" My breathing gets hard as I choke on my blood, spitting it out. "You'll be-" Then all at one it hits me, as I feel the pain going away. "You'll be okay." I say weakly as my breathing becomes slower and a tear falls down my cheek. "Take care of Nadia for me." Everything goes limp, as I feel my eyes roll back and I fall back in his arms, the last thing I feel is, it felt like I was flying.

But then a voice said it was time to go back. I know what it meant now. I nod my head letting out a sigh. I was dead until someone brought me back. Felix brought me back.

A light shines in my eyes as I look up, covering my face. "It's time to go." A deep voice says, but I wasn't scared. When the light hit me, I felt warm, safe. I knew everything was going to be alright. "It's time to go back." I tilt my head in confusion, when light explodes around me and it felt like I was behind sucker up by a vacuum and my eyes shoot open seeing Felix before me. I try to sit up as I gasp for air but he pushes me back down and shakes his head.

"It's alright." He says with teary eyes. "You're alive. You're not going to die on me, Blake, do you understand me. You have to fight. Please fight." He begs and I nod as he nods too, leaning forward and putting his forehead against mine. "I can't lose you Blake. Not now. Not ever. Please don't die on me."

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