Chapter 9

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"EEeeeeeEEEeeEeeeeeEeEeeeEEEE! RUS-AME!!!!!!!
Airashī, AdOrAbLe!!! I HAVE TO TELL SOUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!"

America sighs, pushing Russia off before sitting up. "Jesus Christ Japan, could you not?!" A very drunk Russia started giggling beside him. "Что не так, америка? Вам стыдно ~" ((What's wrong America? Are you *hic* ashamed~)) Not even thinking, America replied in Russian "Нет, я не бля стесняюсь, Южная Корея просто собирается рассказать всем и разрушит мою жизнь!" ((No, I'm not f-cking shy, South Korea will just tell everyone and ruin my life!))

Instantly America realized he wasn't "supposed" to speak anything other than English, and his eyes went wide as he waited for Russia to catch it.

Luckily Ruski was a little bit too drunk, and just started giggling and responded in Russian.

"Ты такой красивый, когда злишься, моя дорогая ~"
((You are so beautiful when you *hic* are angry my dear ~))

Glancing at japan, who was somewhere[?]  but not there, he decides "I'm gonna heckin answer in Russian!"
So he answers back

A: "Перестань флиртовать со мной, Россия. Мы оба знаем, что это никогда не сработает."
((Stop flirting with me, Russia. We both know this will never work.))

R: "Кто сказал, что это должно работать? Почему мы не можем просто быть вместе? Один? ~"
((Who said this should work? Why can't we just be together? Alone? ~))

A: "Что ж, это заманчиво ~"

America whispers as Russia gets closer and closer until their lips are touching once again.

((Well, that is tempting ~))

A/N: Sorry this is so short, but I need a little filler chap yall! I'm buried in homework, but this shall not die!! I have big plans for chapter ten, but yall have got to be patient, it might take a little longer for me to post.
Until later; so bai bai my peoples!

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