Q & A

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Hello, me again. I promised to answer some reader questions, so here they are!

I'm sad and my head hurts but I'm very excited for ur next book? Are you gonna make another one?

I don't have anything specific planned just now. Book 4 of the No Control Series - Trace of Innocence | Sweet and Sour - is still unfinished and I feel I owe it to my loyal readers of that series to give them the ending to Harry's POV as there are so many little scenes I have in my head that need to be part of the story! I really want to complete it; I hate leaving something half done.

I also promised my son I would write a children's book for him, so that is something I really really want to do. The only thing I'm missing is a brilliant idea, which is really annoying and sort of essential to writing a book!

Finally, I posted a short story anthology a while ago with the intention of adding to it in between Twist updates. I haven't had any spare time to do this since I posted the first story, so I'd like to get some more of my older work posted in the coming months.

What do you think would have happened if Chloe hadn't let go and they would have been saved? Do you think Chloe would have been able to survive the aftermath? Do you think Harry would have gotten help?

This is a really really difficult question to answer. I don't think Chloe would have coped well in prison. I think Harry's life would have been extremely complicated because he had strong feelings for Chloe as well as loving Sofía, and his self-destructive personality would have prevented him from seeking help. I don't think Chloe's survival would have given them the happy ending that many of you wanted, because ultimately Harry loved Sofía and could never have loved Chloe the way she truly deserved. Sofía forgave Harry and accepted his feelings for Chloe, which shows her immense strength of character, but even she wouldn't have been able to do that if Chloe was alive and part of Harry's life.

Who do you prefer Harry with? Or who do you think he'd be happier with?

Again, such a difficult question! If Sofía wasn't in the equation, I think Harry could have loved Chloe. But I don't know if they were suitably matched to make it in the long run. I love his relationship with Chloe; I love how she brought out the best and the worst in him, I love their playful banter and I love that Chloe saved him when Sofía couldn't. So I think I prefer him with Chloe for the amazing chemistry, but I think he is happier with Sofía.

When are you gonna write your next story?

November is National Novel Writing Month, so I intend to take a break in October and spend some time relaxing before attempting to write 50,000 words in the month of November. Whether I tackle Trace or come up with a fantastic idea for a children's book is unclear at this stage, but my goal is not to waste the motivation that NaNoWriMo brings me!

Where do you come up with the names for your characters? Are they based on anyone in real life?

Funnily enough I mentioned this on Twitter a few weeks ago. I have some fictional characters who are named after people I know in real life - these are usually named first and the characters created accordingly. This meme comes to mind:

Choosing a name for an already formed character is the hardest

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Choosing a name for an already formed character is the hardest. It has to suit them, it's sort of like naming your child. I deliberated for ages over Chloe's parents' names, and they are literally mentioned once in the book. I saw a tweet this week from someone who said he trawls through his Twitter feed looking for name ideas. He was called Greg McNichol, so maybe I might take his advice and put him in my next book!

This has just reminded me: about five years ago I had a conversation in a private message with a reader on Wattpad who asked me to name a character after her in my next book. I can't remember her username and I can't find the conversation in my messages as it was so long ago, but I did remember her first name: Sofia... so, Sofia, if you're reading this and you once asked me to name a character after you, consider it done. And thank you for the beautiful name that inspired such an important character.


Lastly, I just want to say thanks again to every single person who has taken the time to read this story, or in fact any of my books. The comments feature of Wattpad is my favourite thing about this platform: having access to readers' reactions is so valuable to me, and I absolutely take on board all feedback. I'll hopefully be back very soon with some form of updates, but until then, so long and thanks for all the fish :)

Rachel xx

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