Twenty Six

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Our journey takes us south west from Frome to Warminster, and after the initial adrenaline rush from this morning has worn off and we seem to have escaped from under the police's noses once more, I can feel us both starting to relax just a tiny bit. Obviously we are still on high alert for any sign they may have picked up our trail, and I see Harry's eyes darting back and forth out of the bus windows, examining each passing car with fearful anxiety, but as the distance between us and Parnell Lodge increases, so does our sense of relief. From Warminster we continue in the southwesterly direction sticking to local buses that are mostly empty and trundle along main roads with fields either side, along the edge of Cranborne Chase, an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The views are sensational, and we pass through tiny villages with quaint cottages, picturesque churches and inviting coffee shops. 

We make a couple of bus changes along the way, and I convince Harry to change his tshirt and swap rucksacks with me behind a tiny little post office, to cause confusion if we are being tracked on CCTV. From what I can see, none of the buses so far have had cameras on, but of course they could be concealed. I take the opportunity to grab a road atlas from a local petrol station, to give us some idea of where we are and where we need to go, and at the last minute I pick up a random novel, a puzzle book and a biro to keep myself occupied when we pitch the tent tonight.

After passing through Salisbury and out again the other side to a tiny village called Whiteparish, I decide we have done enough travelling in plain sight and it is time to get back underneath the radar again. We huddle in the corner of a cosy pub, The Nags Head, and order a couple of sandwiches for lunch before planning out our next move. I show Harry where we are on the map, and point out a large patch of green approximately two miles south from here. Having spent the entire morning on a hot, sweaty bus the idea of a long, hot, sweaty walk is less than appealing, but the desire to disappear into the wilderness overrules any misgivings Harry has about physical exertion. From a tiny convenience store we purchase several bottles of water, some more cereal bars, and a couple more pre-packed sandwiches, and begin our trek in the unforgiving heat to what I am sure is the edge of the New Forest National Park. As with all the places we have previously pitched the tent I know that camping is only allowed in designated areas, so wherever we decide to bed down for the night must be well hidden from passing traffic, both foot and vehicle. Our walk takes us along a country lane with beautiful cottages either side, dressed with old fashioned chunky white window frames, detailing around the heavy front doors, and adorned with stunning pot plants and window boxes ablaze with colour. Having lived in London for so long, and having been part of such a dirty, grey community, I can't help but be awestruck by the natural beauty that can be found in so many places. Taking in the fresh air, the greenery and the countryside smells makes it hard to be miserable, and I feel my heart swelling and the fog that has engulfed me for so long slowly lifting to reveal the joy that is right here in front of me. Harry, of course, can find negativity and misery in even the most beautiful of places. 

"How much further?" he grumbles, about two minutes after we have set off.

"Probably about an hour," I answer without looking at him, refusing to give him any encouragement to moan. He says nothing but I can tell he has the usual murderous look on his face. "But take a look around you. Enjoy the views along the way. Broaden your horizons. Embrace the beauty!"

I chance a look at him. He is staring at me as though I have suggested he drinks a glass of dirty sewer water.

"You never know," I continue, feeling brave and daring all of a sudden, "you might even like it!"

"You're chipper, considering your earlier wobble," he snaps.

"What wobble?" I frown.

"Back at the hotel. Your face went all weird when the police showed up. You looked like you were going to fall over."

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