Fifty Three

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I wake before Chloe the following morning, my back stiff from lying in one position all night with her head on my shoulder. And when I say all night, what I mean is in between having sex with her, which happened more than a couple of times. 

I don't know what has happened to me. I'm so fucking confused. I thought Chloe would have left me long before now. I pushed her and pushed her and pushed her, and still she came back for more. I treated her just as badly, if not worse, than Sofía. But she has stayed loyal to me and has become close to me on a level that I have never shared with anyone before. She annoyed the fuck out of me at first. I would even go so far as to say I hated her, or at least I hated her following me around. I don't know when things changed, but they have and now I don't know what to do.

I miss Sofía - I can't deny that. I miss the good times and I missed the sex, when it was good and regular and fun. And now I am doing that with Chloe, and more, so I don't miss the sex anymore. So where does that leave me and Sofía? Where does it leave Dylan? Where does it leave Chloe? And the answer is, right now it doesn't fucking matter because once the police catch up with me they're going to lock me up and throw away the key. 

I feel guilty for cheating on Sofía. I have never really worried about it before - I've always been more worried about being caught and facing her wrath than what the long term implications would be. But now I am thinking back to all those times I cheated and the few times Sofía knows about, and how that must have hurt her yet she still stayed and refused to give up on me, just like Chloe has been doing. What could I have had with Sofía if I had treated her right? The first year we were together was amazing. I fell in love with her pretty quickly, but things changed as she got into the later stages of pregnancy and it stopped being fun. Instead of trying to make things work, I took a step back and started looking for fun elsewhere. I knew she was miserable and that made me resent her further. 

The longer I have been on the run, the more I have realised how much Sofía looked after me just as much as she looked after Dylan. I wouldn't have lasted five minutes if Chloe hadn't been here to pick up the reins. I owe Chloe so much. She has literally kept me alive and free this whole time, and has been everything I needed and more. She has done what I should have let Sofía do. And now everything is messed up because I have all these feelings for Sofía and for Chloe, and I don't know how to make sense of them. 

I have never had this sexual chemistry with anyone like this before, and I don't know if that is because I have never let anyone get close to me like Chloe. Sex with Chloe means something. I feel... cared for when she touches me and kisses me. Her lack of experience is a turn on that I never could have imagined. Knowing that I am the only person in the world ever to make her feel like this is a massive ego boost. When she lets me do something new, and puts her trust in me, I feel like I can conquer the world. 

I'm relieved she knows about Dylan. I have worried about slipping up accidentally, especially when the subject of Chris comes up, or the bag of money that is considerably lighter than it was at the start of this journey. I wonder if the police know about the money. If not, they must be wondering how I'm managing to stay alive. I wonder if Sofía has told them anything. I wonder if she wonders about me, or whether she has written me off for good. There will be no going back once she finds out about Chloe. I'm not sure how I feel about that.

In my arms Chloe stirs. I watch as she gives a deep sigh and opens her eyes, blinking a couple of times and then smiling softly at me. "I've been thinking," she begins, and I frown at her.

"You've only just this second woken up!"

She rolls onto her back, stretching her arms above her head as she speaks. "Yes, but I was thinking last night. You need to contact Dylan today."

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