Chapter 40: The Bride The Groom & The Broken Hearts

Start from the beginning

I gulp and immediately stand up. Distance. I need some distance. I keep mumbling in my head. Finally after Holder leaves as per tradition and Andrea is well settled in the guest room. Adrian walks into our room.
Grabbing a pillow he starts walking out. To which I raise my eyebrows? And he turns to answer me;

"You don't want me to sleep here! You want space right I am giving you the space you need".

Wow! Talk about mood swings.

"I can't believe you are actually being this much of an ass over something you are completely wrong about".

That stops him and he throws the pillow back on the bed. He walks around the bed towards me and I gulp, what was I thinking! I step back and he comes nearer I am inches from the wall and the space between us is almost thin as that of a hair.


"I know you are mad at me and I don't judge you Ailey, but the man I call my father pretty much was also the man who ruined our family! And he happily did it! He may have been insensitive enough to not respect his wife! But I will respect the woman I..."

He stops and looks away as realisation dawned on him. But realisation of what? He caresses my cheek. His eyes soften.

"I will respect my Rose. I'll wait. Even if it means waiting all my life. I will wait as long there is breath left in my body".

I suck in a breath and look up at him. His eyes shine of determination. I stir my head and move out of his embrace.

"Just sleep here. I'll sleep in Andy's room. We have to wake up early".

I hear him sigh and before he can say anything I walk out. Breathe in Ailey. And find the truth before this quicksand succumbs you! I tell myself.

Evelyn's image and her words echo in my head and I push them far away. I want these few days to be free from drama. Free from everything.

Andrea's Wedding

"Do you Andrea Nedman take Holder Miratenio as your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"And do you Holder Miratenio take Andrea Nedman as your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do".

"... I pronounce you man and wife you may kiss the bride".

I smile as Holder delicately removes Andrea net veil and kisses her deeply. These two were made for each other. Like water and earth melded together to represent growth and harmony. It was refreshing.

I smile looking at my best friends walk down the isle.

As everyone dances I sit down in a nearby kids section. Being around kids is soothing. It helps me relieve myself from my stresses.

"Care for a dance?"

The familiar voice of my school friend Eddie makes me smile up at him.

"No offense Eddie but you are a terrible dancer".

He curls his hand in a fist and mock punches his heart.

"Ailey Vittorio you crushed my heart",

I smile I missed this weirdo. He sits besides me and we begin talking about life then and life now. Apparently Eddie had now started his own photography business. He even owned a studio nearby.

While we both were busy discussing lives, my eyes drifted to Andrea and Holder as they danced and laughed on the dance floor. They both were glowing with the love they had for each other. The thought made me feel warmth for them.

Tears started welling in my eyes. And I excused myself to go to the loo. While I tried to clean the mess my tears had created with my mascara. I felt Adrian enter from behind.

"Adriann?! This is the girls room what are you doing here?".

He walked closer without replying and I felt I was glued to the floor. I managed to look up when he was just a foot away from me.

"Who was he?" His voice was rough and I looked up at him. I gulped as Adrian's eyes shown with anger.

Compelling blue eyes encapsulate me. And I feel like I am being drowned in them. Wrapping a hand around my waist he pulls me closer. Making my hands fall on his chest as he leans in and bites my earlobe.

I whimper a little at the feeling.

"You have no idea what you are doing to me Ailey! You wearing this dress, that pretty much leaves little to the imagination, sitting there, with your innocent brown eyes".

"I... oh stop please".

I feel my heart might burst from the feelings Adrian seems to pull out from me. He bites my neck and I tighten my hold on the lapels of his coat. His lips turn eager and he pulls me closer even if that were possible.

Holding my gaze he asks me for permission but still keeps leaning closer as he would kiss me anyway. Perhaps its the consumed wine or the wedding vibes talking, I nod a little at him. Adrian swoops in and kisses me with urgency while I manage to hold in my pace.

The hard wall of the loo touches my back and Adrian temporarily leaves my lips to kiss my forehead. He holds my face in his hands so delicately it seems I might disappear if he would let me go.

His eyes look pained and broken. I feel torn apart as well. I touch his cheek and close the gap between us by kissing his lips softly. Moving back I try to create some space in the middle. But then he holds my hand,

"I never gave you a chance for our first dance".

I smile a little. The irony of the situation mocks me openly.

"Ailey Vittorio, would you care for our first dance".

I laugh a little.

"In the loo? Doesn't really sound that romantic Adrian".

He hushes me, "I'll sing baby girl".

He looks adorable with his blue eyes pleading me so I give in to the feeling and hold his hand. Again I am pulled into Adrian's world with adoration and so much admiration that I can't stop loving him. He delicately pulls me close and holds me in place.

Leaning closer to my ear, he starts to sing the lines of Ed Sheeran's 'Perfect' and my inner self melts a little more.

I put my head on his shoulder to stay close. It feels wholesome and warm to be near him and we both dance along. Its perfect, its beautiful it's everything but like a mirage its over.

Someone knocks on the door and our little paradise shatters. Adrian pulls away, holds my gaze one last time whispers in my ear "You are mine Mia Bella. Don't you forget that".

And just like that gone. I gather my scrambled thoughts and walk out. Andrea is ready to leave with Holder on their honey moon. I hug her tight and she thanks me before leaving.

Adrian walks behind me and I lean in him. While our drive back to the beach house we both stay silent; until a text notification catches my attention. I open it to find these words and my heart lunges in my throat.

Your time is up Ailey Vittorio. Now its payback time!

Oddly, the number is unknown and I brace myself for the storm of reality that is brewing.

Hey guys I changed my mind there might be additional chapters also. I hope you all like them. Also apologies for the delay. Love you all!

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