✧ meet the author & keys ✧

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Hello everyone! Firstly if you're seeing this as someone who knows me in irl, no you don't and you never will. Thank you.
some stuff about me: I love anime, animals (I'm a cat person btw), I really enjoy drawing and recently writting too. I'm really close to my best friend currently and this also kinda effects the book. Sorry about that (╥﹏╥) also my my native language is german and that's also the language this story is written in. Sorry to everyone who doesn't understand this language. Maybe when I have more free time I'll write english ones too. So just suggest anything!!


Y/N - your name

L/N - last name

A/N - author's note

E/C - eye color

H/L - hair lenght

H/C - hair color

F/N - friend's name

F/C - favourite color

'kursiv' - thoughts

" " - speaking

I think that should be it! Hope you enjoy!! Also I need to say that I'm currently really busy so you may have to wait a little until I'm releasing another chapter.
Thank you for reading it. Any kind of support is of course highly appreciated. :)

Ich werde für meine Geschichte voraussichtlich manchmal (mehr oder weniger) diese Abkürzungen nutzen:

vllt - vielleicht

trd - trozdem

usw. - und so weiter

bzw. - beziehungsweise

(D/N oder) Y/N - dein Name

N/N oder Y/S/N - Nachname

H/F - Haarfarbe

A/F - Augenfarbe

L/F - (in Y/N's) Lieblingsfarbe

Okay ich denke das wäre es erstmal gewesen, viel Spaß!! Ist meine erste Geschichte also bitte habt das im Hinterkopf wenn ihr es lest :)

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