Since I don't want to interrupt the recording process, I quietly open and close the studio door.

Michael is probably too caught up lusting over Diana to even notice that I'm gone.

As I exit out of the building I run to my car, shutting and locking the doors as quickly as I can and the tears I've been holding in for the past 2 minutes are finally being let out.

Him dating me in the first place was probably just to distract his mind from Diana, after all, he seemed pretty in love with her.

All I know is I need to get out of here, I need to confide my feelings in one of the only people who understands me.


"You should have seen how how he was staring at her, Janet. It's almost like I wasn't even there." I state angrily, tears start to fall from my eyes uncontrollably at this point.

Janet shakes her head as her eyes part to the ground.

"Men are dogs." She states while rubbing my back in a circular motion. "And women can be down right cruel to another, damn. Do you need me to go whoop her ass for you?"

No matter how down I was, Janet could always make me laugh.

"I'm good." I humorously say.

"You sure? Cause I really could if you wanted me too." She asks with seriousness in her voice.

"Oh, I'm sure. I just don't know what I'm going to do about Michael, I know he's your brother and all but fuck him."

Janet laughs at my statement and leans her head onto my shoulder. "And this is why we're such good friends."

Suddenly, the front door opens and I snap to the direction of the hallway, just like any normal person would, to see who it is.

Michael walks in looking relieved as ever to see me.

My bland expression now shifts to an aggravated one almost immediately.

"There you are! I've been looking for you everywhere, Quincy only said he saw you leave but not where to."

I'm still as silent as a mouse, I will not speak to him kindly unless I get an apology from him.

He leans down to hug me and I dodge it as soon as I see him coming.

He now looks hurt which is ironic considering I'm the only one who should be feeling hurt right now.

"What's wrong?" He questions with his soft tone.

"Oh cut the crap, Michael. You know what you did."

Now, angry as hell there's no way of hiding it, I grab my purse and storm out of the Jackson residence.

"See ya later, Janet." I shout as I'm about to close the front door but of course, Michael slips his arm in there at the last second pushing it back open.

I walk out of the entrance, hearing Michael follow after me and calling my name a countless amount of times.

As I'm unlocking my car with my keys, I feel a swift grip push me against the vehicle , and turn me around so I'm now facing him.

"Ariana, please tell me what's wrong? What did I do to make you this upset?"

My eyes widen at his stupidity but I answer anyway.

"How about flirting with Mrs. Ross, or shall I say your sugar mama? Because that's sure what she acts like to you."

His eyes soften and a chuckle leaves his mouth.

"And now you think this is funny-"

"Ariana, I wasn't flirting with her, trust me on that."

"Yes you were, Michael. I'm not stupid, I saw it with my own two eyes."

"Well, whatever you think you saw, you thought wrong. Even though Diana and I had our little...fling, we're over. You're the only woman I love, besides mother and my sisters obviously."

I wasn't sure if I was buying it just yet, Michael had the abilities to make girls swoon to their feet after talking to him so this could just be him using his charm on me.

"Well, what's your excuse for her being rude, huh?"

"I genuinely wasn't paying attention at that moment, if she was being rude, I'll take your word for it and talk to her. You just have to trust me, Ariana."

"Okay, I would just appreciate if you chilled on the lovey dovey moments between you guys, it makes me feel like you're putting me in second place."

His beautiful eyes glisten as they stare into mine. "Of course." He kisses me gently and then pulls back.

"I love you." He smiles which automatically makes me want to smile.

"I love you too."

⊹⊱✫⊰⊹ this is really no guarantee that i'm back yall i just wanted to write this chapter cause i remembered this book and i honestly just felt like putting a new chapter out cause why not? there's not gonna be any schedule for this just bc i have such bad writers block but yeah for the most part i hope you enjoyed it and see u whenever i post the next one LMAO

let me love you ~ michael jackson & ariana grandeWhere stories live. Discover now