we are the world

625 18 6

   January 28, 1985


I sit tightly on a chair behind the scenes during the recording of the "We Are the World" music video. A song that was written by Michael and Lionel Richie, who I was star struck to meet by the way.

This song included a bunch of super stars as well like Stevie Wonder, Ray Charles, Cyndi Lauper, even Tina Turner which made me want to pee of excitement.

They take a little break for 5 and Michael comes rushing over to me, kissing my cheek.

Though as soon as he pulls his lips back from my face, I hear the recording studio door open and a woman's voice echos throughout the room.

Michael turns back as well as I do and only a couple feet away from us stands Diana Ross, also known as cougar lady but we won't get into that right now.

(A/N, i just wanna say i apologize to every diana ross fan, i have no idea what she's like irl, this is JUST a fan fiction so if i offend u with how i portray her im sorry, let's continue)

I examine Michael's face and his eyes light up ever so noticeably as well as the huge grin plastered onto his face. I furrow my brows and start feeling queasy.

The next thing I know is that i'm being dragged by Michael to the other side of the room only hearing him say "It's time to introduce you to, Diana."

I instantly feel my mood shift and I no longer want to be here anymore but it doesn't look like I'll have a choice.

After everyone's done greeting Diana, almost immediately, she pulls Michael into this big hug that goes on for way too long, night I add.

"You look amazing, Michael." Her sickly sweet voice narrates as she eyes him up and down.

"It never could compare to you." Michael says as if he's...flirting back?

It seems like he finally starts noticing how uncomfortable I am and sloppily introduces me to this sleaze of a woman.

"Diana, I'd like you to meet my girlfriend, Ariana, this is Diana Ross."

I try forcing my best smile on and at least try to pretend I'm interested in meeting her.

"Hi, I'm Ariana." My hand sticks out while I wait for her to lazily shake it because she's probably just as uninterested in meeting me as I am with her.

Instead of even having the courtesy to pretend to be cordial with me, she looks down at my hand, shakes it in the most rudest way anyone could and scoffs as she walks away. My hand drops down to my side and my mouth is agape.

"So, isn't she great?" Michael stares at her in awe as I try processing what just happened.

"Great? You call that great? Did you not just see how rude she was to me?" I question him as my arms cross themselves out of anger.

He faces me with a dim witted expression. "That's just how she is, Ariana. Once you get to know her, she's very sweet."

At this point, I'm just looking at this man thinking "Is he serious right now?"

Before we can even finish our conversation, the director shouts that it's time to get back to recording.

Michael quickly pecks my lips and goes back to the same position he was in before their break.

Just watching their little interactions between them makes me want to die inside, I feel tears welling up in my eyes and I just know I have to leave.

let me love you ~ michael jackson & ariana grandeWhere stories live. Discover now