animal heaven

691 29 3

    July 10th, 1983


I open the fence lined up around the Hayvenhurst house, mildly confused as to why Michael told me to rush over.

He said he had something he wanted to show me so my interest getting the best of me, I hurried to come here.

I walk up the big front door and knock a couple of times. I can't lie, I'm a little apprehensive about this. I've always hated being in the dark about anything so I'm very curious to see what he has to show me.

The door swings open to reveal Michael standing there with enthusiasm. Before I can get a chance to say anything, he pulls me by my hand and drags me through the house.

"Michael!" I shriek while being tugged.

He opens the door to his backyard, bringing us both out and I'm instantly filled with astonishment.

I look around and a collection of animals are all  piled in the backyard, some freely roaming around while others are kept in sheds.

"Michael, they're amazing."

"I know."

"Did you buy all of these with your own money?" I ask, still faced towards the animals and admiring them.

"Some of them, yes. Others I adopted." He says while creeping up behind me.

My eyes roam around the backyard until they land on a dazzling jaw dropping parrot, I walk over to the perch where it's sitting upon in this big cage.

"Hi, beautiful." I softly caress it's wing with my finger. The bird squawks and uses its two feet to gently latch around my pointer finger.

I smile at the bird's action and decide to go back over to Michael with the bird on my hand.

As the parrot stands tall, I walk to Michael and see that he's petting a large llama. Sorry, two large llamas.

My eyes widen at the big animals but my heart warms up to see Michael's innocent fascination with them. He's playing with them and cuddling them and to see Michael being happy makes me happy.

"So, what's this ones name?" I gesture to the bird who screeches every couple of seconds.

"Rikki." He focuses his eyes on the animal's but he's still paying attention to me.

"Rikki. I like it."

Rikki then pokes me in the cheek with her beak.

"She's kissing you." Michael comments taking a pause from the llama's. "She likes you."

"Well, I like you too." I whisper against Rikki.

She then soars away from my finger and flies flies back into the humongous parrot cage.

I kneel down to the llama's and pat the both of them, they're very cute.

"This one is Louie." He points to a cream coloured llama. "And this is Lola." He points to the other one that looks almost identical to Louie but there's some differences.

"They're adorable." I slide my hand over their fur and they seem to be enjoying it.

"Come on, I have one more thing to show you." He pulls me up.

"One more thing? Michael, you've showed me enough." I divert my eyes to the yard one more time.

"This ones different, trust me."

"Okay." I sigh as he wraps his hand around mine, holding it tightly.

He leads me to his familiar room and opens the door. There sits a god knows how big snake displayed in a terrarium that is attached to a shelf on the wall.

let me love you ~ michael jackson & ariana grandeWhere stories live. Discover now