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Part 3: Phantom Traveler
"Dad lied, yeah, but we're gonna get him back."


Sam and Nathan was heading to the back of the plane towards Amanda, so they could speak with her.

"She's not gonna believe this." Sam tells him, confessing his disbelief.

"Twelve minutes, dude." Nathan replies harshly.

"Oh, hi. Flight's not too bumpy for you, I hope." She says to Nathan, instantly recognizing him.

"Actually, that's kind of what we need to talk to you about." Nathan tells her. Sam reaches up and closes the curtains tightly. Amanda anxiously shifts on her feet.

"Um, okay. What can I do for you?"

"All right, this is gonna sound nuts, but we just don't have time for the whole "the truth is out there" speech right now." Nathan explains, not really caring for her reaction anyway.

"All right, look, we know you were on flight 2485." Sam tells her causing her to lose her smile.

"Who are you guys?" Amanda nervously asks.

"Now, we've spoken to some of the other survivors." Sam tells her, Amanda backs up a bit. "We know something brought down that plane and it wasn't a mechanical failure."

"We need your help because we need to stop it from happening again. Here. Now." Nathan states, voice in a low demanding way. He needed to get this case done before this plane goes down.

"I'm sorry, I-I'm very busy. I have to go back--" Amanda says as she tries to push past Nathan who was guarding the door.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a second." Nathan tries stopping her from leaving. "I'm not gonna hurt you, okay? But listen to me, uh...The pilot in 2485, Chuck Lambert. He's dead."

Amanda starts to panic more. "Wait. What? What, Chuck is dead?"

"He died in a plane crash." He tells her. "Now, that's two plane crashes in two months. That doesn't strike you as strange?"

Sam didn't give her the chance to answer, the two hunters getting more desperate. "Look, there was something wrong with 2485. Now maybe you sensed it, maybe you didn't. But there's something wrong with this flight, too."

"Amanda, you have to believe us." Nathan begs, not that he'd ever admit he did that. Like ever.

Amanda hesitates for a moment before finally giving in, rubbing her forehead. "On...on 2485, there was this man. He...had these eyes."

"Yes." Sam says, nodding. "That's exactly what we're talking about."

"I don't understand, what are you asking me to do?"

"Okay. The copilot," Nathan says, "We need you to bring him back here."

"Why? What does he have to do with anything?" Amanda asks, desperate for more answers.

"Don't have time to explain. We just need to talk to him. Okay?" Nathan replies, getting rather impatient with the woman. He understood this is new to her but this is literally a life or death situation.

"How am I supposed to go in the cockpit and get the copilot--"

"Do whatever it takes." Sam interrupts. "Tell him there's something broken back here, whatever will get him out of that cockpit." Nathan nods along to what he was saying.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2023 ⏰

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