You're Beautiful

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Your pov

Quietly, I stood next to Annabelle as she packed her bag to go home. She spoke about her and Frank going to her parent's for Thanksgiving. I had tuned out. My mind was stuck on a certain nervous dark haired boy. Where is Gerard?

"Hey Annie?" She hummed, "Where's Gerard?"

"I dunno," She slung her bag over her shoulder, "Probably with Frankie or something. Why?"

"Just wondering..." I was still mostly spaced out in my mind.

"Y/n, hey," I turned to her, "Take care of yourself while I'm gone, okay? Don't get into any trouble without me. I'll be back in just a few days," She sighed, "I'm gonna miss ya." She hugged me.

"I'm gonna miss ya too. Tell Adrian I say hi."

"Of course..." She spoke, "Bye, happy Thanksgiving."

"Bye bye, happy Thanksgiving." I said, as we both left the dorm room. She walked off. Then, Frank walked by me.

"Frank, have you seen Gerard anywhere?"

"Yeah, he's probably sitting up on the roof. He's been up there a lot lately."

"Okay, thanks, have fun!"

"See ya," He waved before catching up to Annabelle. I then wandered up the stairs, going up each level until finally, I had reached a door. It read roof access in red over the brown painted wood. Gerard...

Gently, I opened the door. As I did so, I heard something I never would've expected. Gerard quietly hummed along to a familiar tune I had heard about a hundred times. I just stood there, listening in. Hey you've got to hide your love away... hey you've got to hide your love away...

I watched the boy sat on a bench. From where I stood, I could only see the back of him. His head and back was hunched over, like he was carefully working on something. I should say something...

Softly, I stepped towards the dark haired boy. He looked up towards the atmosphere. I did as well. Gigantic grey clouds covered the normally blue sky. I think it might snow...

He sighed, then looked back to his work. Slowly, I walked towards the boy again. Finally, he turned to me.

"Y/n... hi..." He greeted, swiftly shoving his drawing away, "What're you doing up here?"

"Looking for you..." I sat down beside him. My body shivered.


"Frank and Annabelle left."

"Oh..." It went quiet.

"Gerard?" He hummed, "Can I, talk to you?"

"About... about what?" His eyes were on me before he looked to his fingers.

"That night."

"Uhm... okay..." He sighed.

"I'm sorry," Surprised, he gazed my way, "I never meant to make you uncomfortable. That was never my intention."

"Oh it's... it's alright... and uhm... it's okay if you don't like me anymore. You should... should get back with Billie. He... he always made you happy..."

"No, I'm not getting back with Billie. He's an ass," I hesitated, "I was actually thinking about being with someone else..."



"Oh... oh you... you don't wanna be with me..." He eyed the floor.

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