Here We Go Again

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Your pov

"... he's just so fuckin' sweet, y'know?" Annabelle said, completely gushing over her lover boy. I sat on her dorm room floor, doing homework. She had sprawled her body across her bed, completely distracted.

"Uhuh..." I replied, "You seem to really like him. Like, way more than anyone back home."

"That's cause I do!" She smiled, "Oh, what are you doing for Thanksgiving?"

"Probably go home," I said, "But I dunno."

"I'll probably go home..."

"My house is just always so chaotic, y'know? Especially with the holidays around. It's been great not having to deal with it!"

"Dude, come to my house. Less chaotic." I hummed.

"Yeah, maybe..." I shut my textbook and put my materials away, "... Or, maybe I won't go home at all, and stay here by myself."

"That actually doesn't sound half bad." I stood up from the floor with my things held in my arms.

"See! Not so bad..." I smiled, standing by the door, "I gotta go, see ya."

"Bye," As soon as I stepped out, closing the door behind me, Frank stood there.

"Hey," I greeted. He sent a quick nod of the head.

"Sup," I sent a nod back and walked towards my dorm. When I opened the door, Gerard sat on his bed, textbook in his lap and a notebook on top. He sent a small smile, I sent one back. Damn I wanna kiss him so bad...

Laying back on my own bed, I didn't do much. There wasn't much for me to do.

"Gerard?" He hummed, "What're you doing for Thanksgiving?"

"Well... well I might go... go home cause I wanna see Mikey... but... but home can be chaotic around the holidays..." I gazed over at him. He's so so nervous... oh Gerard...

"That's how it is for me too..." I had a hand messing with my hair strands, "I was thinking maybe skip Thanksgiving and just go for Christmas."

"Could... could I join you?" I was somewhat surprised by the question. He really wants to? It's still so awkward between us...

"You really wanna?" He nodded, "Of course..." We still haven't talked of that night... we need to... but it always gets so awkward...

The room went quiet. Only the sound of Gerard's page turning and pencil scribbling could be heard. All his light sounds was enough to lull me to sleep. My eyes got heavy, and I was out.

Gerard's pov

Quietly, I did my classwork. Y/n lay on her bed. I glanced up at her. Oh... she's asleep... aww... adorable...

As the day turned night, I stood up from my bed. With a short stretch, I put away my materials. I couldn't keep my eyes off her. Suddenly, her body began to shiver. Oh...

With a smile on my face, I brought her blankets up over her figure. Wow she's pretty... no... stop...

I looked away, but couldn't help myself. Without much thought, I kissed her forehead. She shifted slightly. Asshole, you woke her!

But she didn't awaken. I smiled to myself. Then, finally, I went to the bathrooms. Only a few other boys were in there, I didn't take much notice. Until I heard what they were talking about.

"Dude, that's the guy!"

"What guy?"

"The guy! He beat up a junior!" I did do that!

"Didn't he get his face punched in by someone too?" Oh...

"I think so, Billie, I think?"

"That's the guy who was socked in the nose by that girl!" Finally, I finished getting ready and passed by the boys.

"Hey," I turned to them, but was met with a fist to the nose. Blood streamed down joined with uncontrollable tears, "That's for beating up Billie!" And they left. Pain shot all up through my nose. Ow...

Now, I stood alone, in front of a mirror. The sink sat below as a mix of blood and tears flowed through the drain. As I stared myself down, I really began to cry. My nose hurt like hell, but that wasn't the only reason I cried.

I hate myself... I can't even take a fuckin' punch... no wonder Y/n doesn't like me... I'm gross... can't take a punch... why does she even care? Why'd she kiss me in the first place? I'm no good... she should've just stayed with Billie... at least he can take a punch to the nose...

The sobs got louder and louder by the second. I didn't care. Gigantic tears ran down my cheeks, taking the last of the blood with it. A hand held my cheek.

Oh... I can't go back to the dorm like this... what'll Y/n think? She definitely won't like me like this... I'm even worse than before! A gigantic bruise on the nose isn't exactly attractive! Who cares... I'm not attractive anyways...

A few boys walked in, so I quickly left. Standing outside the dorm, I couldn't bring myself to open the door. She's asleep... she won't see... wait...

Standing there, I spotted the light spewing from underneath the door. Just do it! Hide it!

Taking a deep breath, I knocked on the door. She answered. I held a hand over my nose.

"Oh there you are." She smiled, stepping aside.

"I... I uhm... bathroom..." I sat down on my bed as she still stood.

"Gerard?" I hummed, she stepped close to me, "Why're you doing that?" She asked, reaching for my hand. I pulled away.

"What? I'm not doing anything..." I spoke fast, and nervously. She then pulled away.

"Wait, have you been crying?"

"N-no..." She hugged me for only a second before bringing her attention back to my nose.

"Gee," She spoke so softly, "Can you please move your hand?" I hesitated, but complied, "Oh my god, who did this!?"

"I fell..." She sent a look, "These... these guys in... in the bathroom..." She hugged me again, for longer this time. She feels so nice...

"Oh Gerard, I'm so sorry. You didn't deserve that." She sounded as if she was going to cry. I just kept quiet. Yeah... I probably did...

Her fingers drew circles around my back, soothing me. I shut my eyes, and let the last of my tears pass through. She then, pulled away as the cries stopped.

"You okay?" She asked, I nodded.

With a sad smile, she kissed my cheek, and turned out the lights. A strange feeling passed through my body. A feeling of wanting more.

More hugs and kisses from the girl laying just a few feet away from me. But I refrained myself. I gazed towards her, now laying on her bed. She stared back at me, and smiled. I smiled back.

"Goodnight, Gerard," She whispered.

"Good... goodnight, Y/n," I mirrored her tone. Can't even say a simple goodnight without a stutter... why does she stick around? Something I'll never understand...

Ha, I've been working on this chapter for awhile. There's just this one part that I need to get to and then the books basically over but I can't do that for another chapter or two. It's a whole thing. You'll see. I think you guys'll like it. It's a happy ending, I promise. Have a good day~peace out cheesebags

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