Farewell From Paula

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As I was moving  forward for my college life ,even though the whole dating part was obviously going great ;still I had to leave Paula for a better start . So I called him for one last time to meet me at the park .

" Hey !What's Up ?"

" Hi ! "

" You seem pretty doomed,why ? "

" It's just some matter of facts ..."

" Which facts ? "

" You know I'll be leaving tomorrow. So ,yeah ,it's an excited yet sad feeling . "

" Come on, honey. It's obvious you will feel like this . "

" And what about you ? "

" What about me ? "

" I mean I won't be seeing you anymore . How am I gonna deal with that ? "

" Yeah. All good things must come to an end ,and you know that . "

" So are we breaking up ? "

Damn it ,Rossie . In the whole world of words ,you had to pull out the breakup word on Paula .

" Are we ? "

" I don't know . It doesn't feel right ."

" I know . "

" So you want to see someone after I leave ? "

" Maybe . But they won't be you and it won't be us . When I look around the lake ,I see families coming here with picnic baskets ,I see dogs playing with toddlers ,I see parents smiling . I see bubble balloons flying away . And I can picturise myself with one boy and one little beautiful girl ,and I see a wonderful woman sitting beside me on this very place that we are sitting on now . I mean That's Us .
I don't think if I can picturise another woman's face into that picture except you  ,you know ? "

Hearing these words ,not only did amaze me but also made me cry a little bit . All I can think of ,the wonderful scenarios that Paula made up with me and now I'm about to break his hopes and dreams with just one word calls" Goodbye " . It just breaks my heart to do that ,but I have to .

After whinning for fifteen minutes by myself ,and not talking ,he finally opened up ......

" So , what do we do ? "

" Paula ,can I lie down on your arms and watch the stars for a moment ? "

" Yeah ,sure . Come here . "

That's how the evening went down . And I just kept wondering about how life makes you meet the perfect people at the wrong time in the wrong place .

" Paula ? "

" Yes . "

" After college,if I'm not dating  anymore ,and you're not seeing people  anymore ,can we date again ? "

" Ofcourse . "

" Okay . "

" Let's just not think about that now .  Keep looking at the stars . "

" Oh my God! A shooting star ! Make a wish ! "

" I don't believe in these ,you know that."

" Come on , Paula. For one last time ,do it as I'm saying . "

" Done ."

" What did you wish ? "

" It's a secret . "

" A secret from me ? "

" Woman ,slow down . We are about to breakup ."

" Okay ,keep your secret . That's good . Just don't bring the break-up word to me anymore ."

" I won't . "

" Good . "

" So this is it ? "

" I am afraid,but it is it . "

Suddenly , out of nowhere ,it started raining. And we were in the rain , saying our last words ......

" Rossie , promise me. No matter what happens to you after you leave from here
,just say that you will take good care of yourself. 
Even if the world is pulling you  down  to the ground,promise me ,you will wake up again just like you did earlier . "

" Are you Jack from the Titanic ? "

" I wish I were ,but as I'm not ,I'm just telling you ,don't worry about me . I'm all set. It is you who is making the changes .  And no matter what comes up  forward,know that I will always be proud of you . "

" Okay . 
As you have been the first real boyfriend for few weeks ,I might tell you this . I wasn't planning to like you . The way we started , it was pathetic . But I really lived life  with you . I had no idea how love and  feelings works . You gave me the pleasure of a wonderful human beings relationship . And I will remember you forever  for that . "

" Leaving you doesn't feel right  , Rossie . If it wasn't for your dream, I might have stopped you . But I have to let you go . Getting rid of you ,is like giving up on a patient while doing CPR . "

" I know Dr. Paula The Nerd . I'm scared of the future awaiting for me,you know ? The good scare , but now I can enter with a peaceful mindset because of you . "

" I love you ,Rossie . Know this before any boy tell these words ,  I loved you before . "

" Paula , I love you too . And you're  the first man after my father and brother who told me that . "

After some awful heart breaking silence ,he just opened up his mouth and said ,

" Goodbye ,Rossie . "

" Take care. "

That's it . After that I couldn't see his face . I just ran ,ran so fast that in one run I made it to home and directly went to my bedroom and cried for hours .
And then ,just like that ,I opened my personal diary and made a memory of the date with some flower petals he gave me before as a sign to remember him as much long as I can .......

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