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After meeting my family members,a cute guy came into my room . It's so familiar,looks like I have seen him before .

" Hi ,Miss Rossie . Are you doing well now ? "

" Yeah , pardon me . Are you Mr . Drake ?"

" Yes ! It gave me almost a heart attack when you said you were Ruby .... But then I understood it was your dog ,after your blubbering .. Your dog is quite a fighter ,she wasn't letting you go in the ambulance, and the collar around her helped me to find your address and your father's phone number ... From that I was able to manage this thing.... I'm sorry . "

" Oh my God human ! Are you being sorry for saving another human's life ?"

" Hahaha . That's a good one ! But still I am sorry ,cause I should have work faster for you ,I mean about the pain ..."

" It's alright ,dear . I'm pretty much okay now . "

" I hope so ...."

After some awkward silences .....

" So ,what do you do ? "

" I'm a student and I work at Henry's Cafe ,just a part time job .... "

" Well, that's great. "

" What do you do ?"

" I'm in George Kevin's High School . I'm graduating in a month . Have a plan to go for a college ,and that sexual tension between being adult , completely holding my own responsibility and not being Daddy's princess anymore ,is kinda freaking me out a little these days ...."

" Well that's a lot of information . But everything will be okay ,trust me . Even I felt the same way too when I was leaving home ...."

" So ,that's not just only me , interesting! Now my shoulders can relax a little bit ."

" I know this is an awkward moment to ask this question,but after your recovery .... Can we meet ? "

Wow . So ,now I have to return the favor of saving my life ! Why universe? Why every guy have to ask out after doing a little help ?

" Yeah ,we can ... "

" Great ! I will pick you up from your residence . And I do have your address . So , what did the doctor say ? "

" It might take four months fully to recover the rib fracture . "

" Oh my God ! You're gonna miss your homecoming and also your graduation party!"

" Maybe ,but I will manage . Infact , it will be great ,cause I don't do socialize a lot ..."

" Are you serious? You have been liable to me since we met in this hospital. "

Wait ,he is right . I can't hold up a conversation with guys . How the hell am I being this much comfortable with him for this long time ?

" Drake ,it's you . You saved me ,and from generosity ,I'm talking to you . It's not school ..."

" Hahahahaha . So you are not doing this by your wish ? "

" Excuse me ?"

" Nothing . It's your party ,your graduation,your personal matter . I don't wanna interrupt into this . "

" Drake ?"

" Yeah ."

" Don't feel bad about what I said . I'm really enjoying your company . And I will see you by my own wish. It's not returning the favor . I guess you can understand ..."

" I do . "

That was smooth . Why does it feel like he just married me ? I mean guys never reply like this . Maybe ,he is a good guy and perhaps maybe too much taller than me ....

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