67 - Breaking

79 27 276


The late evening was demolished. I hadn't taken a bus, instead I walked by foot deciding to think about what had happened wrong today.

I was not a love mechanic, I couldn't fix myself, but I felt I deserve this.

But why? Why do I think I deserve this?

Wasn't I the most confident guy on the planet some time ago?

I kicked one stone, then another, then another again. Above me, there was a moon. One second I raised my head to look at it. I was selfish. Left her like that. Hurt her feelings. She just wanted to make me feel warm and step out of my closed circle..

Stupid me. I was already 28. What others would think of my actions? It was childish for the sake of God.

When I reached the White army's flat just a few of lights were on when I went to the back entry of the flat, not the main entrance with garage. The rest of the members probably gone to sleep.

I thought about Yoongi and how he feels being unsure of what to do.

He isn't the one sleeping now, I thought. He is too anxious to close his eyes.

My first knock at the door was shy, but then I repeated more firmly thinking it's just Yoongi with whom I want to talk to.

Some seconds had passed until the doors were open and our eyes greeted.

He didn't say anything just yanked his doors more.

"Can't sleep?" I asked while peeking around his minimalistic black and white room and closing the door.

"Yeah, too many thoughts," he mumbled leaning his back to his business desk and staring at me. "Sit. You don't have to wait for my allowance."

I faked a smile and settled on his little two seated black leather couch. "So generous, there was a time when you wouldn't even allow me to go here."

"It's just a fucking room." he cut me coldly.

I sighed.

"Want something? Came to take my brandy bottle?" he talked.

I shook my head. "Honestly I would gladly drink with you, buddy, but too much mortification for me. I can't."

Yoongi didn't know what to answer he just nervously brushed through his platinum blonde hair.

Later he stood up from his desk and sat next to on the couch carelessly putting his leg on another.
"Seokjin. I am sorry."

I blinked out of surprise. "You're what? Couldn't quite hear you."

Yoongi didn't like my answer. His furrowed dark eyebrows showed the annoyance at me. "I said I am sorry. I should apologize. The time has come when I truly have to acknowledge my sins--"

"Tell everything to the members. Then it will be the real acknowledge. I will see how really sorry you are then." I cut him cruelly.

Yoongi has taken aback by my words widening his eyes a bit.

Although, I didn't let him speak.

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