23 - Expectations

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"Are you staying with me, noona?" Jungkook asks, looking at me with wide-opened eyes. His question catches me off guard, and I blink in surprise. He blinks too and suddenly coughs, seemingly embarrassed. "Haha, I'm so dumb. Why did I say that? I'm so in love with you that I started to call you by these weird honorifics by mistake," Jungkook explains, raising his eyebrows in a self-deprecating manner.

I try to understand his words. "Jungkook—"

"Seonsaeng," he cuts me off, smiling with his bunny teeth. I shake my head, feeling disappointed, but I don't give up.

"No, wait. Jungkook. How old are you?" I ask, hoping to clear up the confusion.

He stops smiling and seems taken aback by my question. "How many times do I have to tell you, don't ask me those things. I'm older than you. That's the fact."

I give him a strange look. "Then why did you call me noona?"

Jungkook's expression turns angry, and he points to the door, telling me to leave. "Out. Now."

I flip my hair and confidently leave Jungkook's room, not caring where I'm headed. It seems like I've hit a nerve with him. He always appeared so young to me; I can't believe he's older than me. I'm twenty-two, so he must be twenty-five? Something feels off.

As I stand in the corridor, I hear the door locking behind me. Jungkook wants his privacy now. I head back to the living room and see Jimin cuddling with Hyesoo on the sofa.

"Nice neck," Jimin teases, and Hyesoo chuckles.

"Shut up," I snap back, annoyed, and head towards the front doors. As I change from heels to sneakers, Jimin comes over and crosses his arms.

"Where are you going? I know all that sweet talk was just an act with Jungkook."

"Back off, kid," I warn, not even looking at Jimin. I put on my old champagne-colored coat.

"Don't you dare leave him," he scoffs and grabs my arm. I easily shake him off and open the door.

"Don't be so pathetic, Park Jimin. Don't you have your own intentions and life? Please, don't believe everything Jeon Jungkook says," I tell him, not looking back as I put on my coat.

Jimin's face changes after my words. Did I hurt him? I didn't mean to, but I want him to open his eyes.

The one thing I can't find is a scarf to hide my hickeys. Ugh. Never mind.

"Are you coming back?" his soft voice catches my attention. I turn to meet his eyes, surprised to see sadness in them.

I falter for a moment but then speak with honesty, "No."

Jimin nods abruptly and silently leads me outside. He's secretly a good guy, I know. I'll have to try and help him. He doesn't truly belong to the Black army.

Once I close the door, I put my hands in my pockets and quickly leave the Black army's flat. Jimin said nothing about me leaving Jungkook. I guess he still has some goodness in him. Although we were companions, he never really befriended me; I thought he was just Jungkook's dumb friend, but he isn't like that.

Now, my next problem is where to go.


I head to the newest cafeteria in the center and order a cheap latte with the money I found in my coat pocket. That's amazing; it means Jungkook never went through my things. I sit at a table near the window. The sofa looks comfy, and I consider taking a nap to forget about all the problems, but I decide to sit and relax with my coffee instead.

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