Darlin', You're Different

Start from the beginning

"I feel like a lady of luxury, I get to follow you round looking pretty" Marshall said sarcastically with his lips twitching in the corners as he sat on the end my bed "What color are you wearing? Maybe we should match"

I rolled my eyes at him.

He smirked "Seriously though, can we get something decent for dinner? Got any southern recipes you could show me?"

"I don't see why not" I said staring at the rack of clothes for the Ole opry.

He got to off the bed and came and stood next to me "Is this what I'm to wear while with you? Why darlin' you shouldn't have"

"Your southern twang is the worst" I sighed trying not to smile "I have to choose one for my performance"

"And you don't feel any?"

"I love them all, I'm struggling to choose"

He looked at the rack and pulled a few out, then putting them back bringing out one and handing it to me.

It was a gold and black two-piece fitted racerback style dress, I could pair then with my black platform pumps.

It wasn't what I'd normally wear but hey, a change is as good as a holiday right?

"That should get your ma's blood pressure up" he said with a cackle before leaving me and going into the bathroom

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"That should get your ma's blood pressure up" he said with a cackle before leaving me and going into the bathroom.


"Well, as I live and breathe, Slim motherfucken' Shady in the flesh" Came a familiar deep voice, bellowing through the walkway of the rodeo stables.

Marshall looked at me confused as a cowboy about 6'4 came towards us.

"Austin" He said holding out his hand "Harleys twin brother"

"Harley Quinn, you didn't tell me that your brother could kick my ass" Marshall said looking at my brother and then to me "Twin?"

Austin laughed his deep husky laugh "He's funny, I was hopin' you were as down to earth as you seem"

"Man, it feels pretty down to earth down here..."

I hugged Austin, I hadn't seen him in almost a month. It was good to see another familiar face.

"I was sure as shit confused when I saw you two was datin'," My brother said with his deep drawl tapping his head "I mean I'm happy for y'all but it's like seeing cats and dogs date, I had thought I'd finally fallen off one too many bulls"

"Yeah she makes my ass look better" Marshall smirked.

"I'd bet that momma is pitching a fit with a tail on"

I rolled my eyes "Shes at mine, madder then a cat getting baptized, but Marshall's got this, seems he's also got a the gift of a venom tongue"

"Is this even English?" Marshall said mouth agape, dumbfounded expression, completely confused by the Southern lingo.

"Well I don't doubt one of the worlds finest MC's can take on Momma, I'm just happy y'all are happy, I ain't seen you this happy since well... I can't remember" Austin said with a half-smile, taking his hat off and scratching his head turning to Marshall "I like you, I like your music, but your break my little sister's heart, I'll throw you to the gators myself"

Marshall swallowed.

I could see why any man would feel intimidated by Austin, he was a big burly man, he rode in the rodeos for a living and frequently won championships.

"Little? Austin Ray Aldridge, I am 3 minutes younger then you" I said poking him in the chest "You can't threaten my boyfriend, you hear, apologize"

Austin chuckled "Sorry man"

"Man, I'm not hearing a word you are saying, you're fucking ginormous," Marshall said squinting up at my brother "But don't worry, I got her, I'll look after her"

Austin nodded "Keep that crazy bitch of a mother of ours away from her too, she makes Harley as nervous as a cat in a room of rocking chairs"

Marshall nodded, as if he actually understood this phrase and took it seriously "Hear you man, loud and clear"

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