Hawks X Reader

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Lil Angst:

He finds you in your smoking spot, up on a cliff quite difficult to get to. It's obviously easy for him to fly to but he's immediately curious as to why there's someone in HIS smoking spot.

"How'd you get here?"
"Same as you".
"You can fly?"
"Sorta, it's my quirk don't ask"
He doesn't get the hint that you wanted to smoke in peace so when he continues to pester you until you get up to leave.
"Wait stay, lemme smoke a pretty bird like you up". He smiled lightly pulling out a blunt from his jacket.

"You're pretty unique looking" he starts and you explain again that you didn't want to talk about your quirk.

He gets caught by that so you settle into a comfortable silence passing the blunt back and forth.

You crack a smile as he plays with a feather anxiously.
"I really didn't mean to scare you birdie" you say leaning towards him, kicking your feet.

"What what do you mean?" He tries to play it off cool but you go and apologize,
"I'm sorry if I came off as rude, I just didn't expect a man bird to interrupt my 'smoking until brain dead' time."

"You're good, if there's anything you want to get off your chest I can be a good listener, I swear I'm not all talk"

"It's alright, having you here is calming. I'm not alone with them"
"With who?"
"My thoughts".

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