More Sero-tonin

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lil 🍋

Sero invited you over to smoke a bit ago so when you arrive you're whisked inside and upstairs. "Bedroom already?" you laugh and he smirks "Well yes but only because I've set up our box in there".
"Box of what Sero-tonin?"
He stammers out "Hhotbox" while turning a cute shade of red.

He's taped the room door closed and sealed his windows. He then pulls you into the bathroom where he's already got a shower running. He tapes that door too after sitting you in the little pile of pillows by the bathtub.
He sits on the floor and grabs his bong. He starts to light it but is smiling too much at your question.

"Sero-chan did you make this pillow throne just for me?"
"Yeah, I wanted you to be comfortable if we plan on really smoking up this room." He starts taking a hit, eyeing you as you lean towards him.
"It'd be better if you sat between my legs, come here".
It was his turn to choke on the bong rip 🤣😘

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