It was barely eight o'clock as she wandered the halls but they were eerily quiet as if deserted. This was normal for a Sunday evening, most students were so tired out from a busy week that they simply crashed in their dorms by the end. Diana would have been doing the same if it wasn't for her new assistant role. As she approached the office she began to hear the soft hum of music in the distance. Its melody drifted through the corridor and as she followed the gentle captivating sound she found herself outside the office door.

The door was already open and inside Lupin sat at his desk whilst behind him an old record player spun. He hadn't noticed Diana standing there as he marked papers and such she took the time to study him. He wasn't wearing his robes, it was the weekend still after all, and instead sported a baggy brown cardigan over his buttoned shirt. He looked content as if there was no other place he'd rather be than in his office working or studying.

"You know, even though you were so adamant on us keeping apart it is awfully suspicious you ask me to be your assistant."

He jumped as she spoke, startled by her sudden presence. He rose from his seat, lifting the needle off the record so its soft melody stopped. "I can assure you this arrangement is solely as a request from Dumbledore and my obligation to you as your professor in helping you reach your full potential."

"If you say so." She smirked, then entered the room, the heel of her shoes clipping against the stone floor as she walked.

His office was as she had imagined it. Filled with shelves that were stacked high with books and an assortment of unusual objects and decorations. The walls were mostly bare from paintings but the numerous cabinets and cupboards still made it feel crowded. It was dimly lit with a browny orange hue that drew upon it. Against one wall was a dark leather sofa with a rustic appearance and beside it a side table with an assortment of drinks and mugs stood. There was also a half-opened packet of Honeydukes chocolate and a bottle of Ogden's Old Firewhisky that made Diana chuckle to herself. It was the same drink he ordered that night at the Leaky Cauldron. It must be his favourite.

In the corner sat a small tank and out of curiosity, Diana edged nearer. Inside it was a small horned pale-green skinned creature with rows of pointy sharp teeth. "What the hell is that?" She asked in disgust as the water creature reached out to the glass with long spindly fingers and an evil look in its eye. "A Grindylow," Lupin answered as he came to stand by her side. "I wouldn't get too close if I were you, they are vicious creatures with a real dislike for witches and wizards."

"It's hideous." She grimaced, causing Remus to chuckle. "I take it Care of Magical Creatures is not one of the many N.E.W.T.s you take?"

She scoffed. "No, it is not."

He stepped away, moving over to his desk where he took a seat, indicating for Diana to do the same. "Please, sit."

She did, sliding into the chair opposite him at the desk. It was made out of beautiful, dark oak wood and was so large it was practically a table. It felt smooth under her touch but most notably, it was incredibly tidy. Books and sheets of parchment were stacked neatly at the edges and any pens and quills were tightly placed in an engraved holder. She appreciated it, there was nothing worse than mess.

"What would you like me to do then?" She asked, looking up at him opposite her. "You can help me grade these third-year tests on Banshees." He said, handing her over a stack of papers. "If you need any help please do ask, though I am sure with your ability you are more than capable."

She took the tests from his grasp, placing them onto the desk ready to go through them when he spoke again. "But before you begin, I would like to apologise for last week. It was ill-mannered of me to make the assumption I did and I see now how I was wrong. I am sincerely sorry if I upset you."

𝔟𝔦𝔱𝔱𝔢𝔯〡REMUS LUPINWhere stories live. Discover now