Chapter 3: Melody meets Soundwave

Start from the beginning

Ronda is a loving and caring mother figure that'll do anything in her power to help those in need. A perfect example of a good doctor.

But getting back to the matter at hand, Melody looked away from Ronda's concerned gaze. Hoping that the truth won't slip out. After about a few tense minutes, Ronda relented and deeply sighed. "Alright, I won't bug you anymore today. But be sure to get plenty of sleep, eat properly this time, and for Heaven's sake, watch what you're doing with your tools! I don't want to have to see you in here again just because you accidentally cut yourself with a surgical knife on your thumb. AGAIN!"

Melody flushed with embarrassment. For one who was really good at doing her multiple job factors at the Center, she can be a bit clumsy. Something that she can relate to Bonnie with. But before she made it to the door, Ronda called out to her.

"Oh! Before I forget! Sharona wants me to tell you that your vacation days have piled up again. And as your doctor I'm ordering you to take a few days off!"

Melody started to panic. She signed: 'What?! But I can't just take a day off like that! What if someone tries to break into the Center again?! What if Quin needs me for assistance with one of her experiments?! What if a debtor comes knocking on our doorstep early again?! What if... what if....'

"Now, now, now. I won't have you panicking in my ward again. As far as threats go, Bonnie, Winnie, and Amelia and the rest of the security team can handle it. And as far as Quin's experiments goes, she can find someone else to help her. And lastly, as far as debtors, you can rest assured that both Sharona and Stella have covered that area. YOU. NEED. REST. DEARIE. You look absolutely dreadful! No offense. But still, you need to relax. Take a nap at home, talk with family, or do that Stand Up Paddle boarding that you've been wanting to try! I heard that today is an EXCELLENT day for good weather and manageable waves. You'll be fine dear. Just promise me that if anything goes wrong, contact me right away, okay?"

Melody was at a loss for words. It was one thing for Ronda to order this of her, but it was another when she asked/promised something of her. Especially when she used her thick native British accent voice. She almost always got her way by using it against her prey, AKA her patients.

Melody breathed in and exhaled dramatically. She signed: 'Alright, you win. For now. I'll take a few days off and I'll leave early for today. And I promise that if I run into trouble I'll text you right away.'

Ronda smiled and gave Melody a deep hug. "You know I do this to you because I care right?" Melody nodded her head and quietly whispered, "I know and I thank you for it." Ronda had to quickly shake off her surprise. No matter how many times she heard her quiet voice she was always surprised how light, airy, and beautiful it sounded. Ronda smiled more endearingly at her and gave her a small peck on her forehead and ruffled her short black ravenette and purple striped hair. "Now go on! Finish your work early and head on home! I don't want to see you in this Center until next week! Or sooner if there's an emergency. Now go! Shoo!"

Melody quietly chuckled and walked out of the infirmary and stalked down the hallway back to the special office she had where she can do her multiple jobs at once. It was both a security office with monitors, a Forensics lab for Marine creatures, observational room for sick or special needs animals, and accounting office. She had never felt so blessed when Sharona gave her her own special office space to work on her multiple projects on the beginning days of her working at the Center.

As she walked down the hallway she passed by the new interns Jack, Miko, and Raf. Jack waved and said a quick hello. Raf smiled while Miko just wanted to talk her ears off. When Melody held up her hands to indicate that she was in a hurry, Jack covered Miko's mouth and let her pass on through.

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