The rest of class goes by normally, with Mr.Williams looking over at me constantly smirking. When the bell rings for fourth, everyone packs up and leaves, me and Jade being the last ones out. We walk to the door but Jade stops. "Go ahead I have to talk to Mr.Williams I'll see you at lunch" she tells me and she starts to walk over to where Mr.Williams is sitting. When she notices I haven't moved she shooed me away but before I'm out the door I whisper yell

"Don't do anything stupid" I tell her seriously, she winks at me and I walk out and head to fourth thinking what the hell Jade is going to say to him.

Amber and Luke are already waiting for me outside the gym doors, surprisingly not kissing.

"Hey guys"

"Hey" Luke nods, placing his large tan arms around Ambers waist and smiling at me with a big white smile

"Hi, guess what we're playing today" Amber says not looking exited

"What?" I ask couriousily

"Dodge ball" she says her arm crossed and her face pouted, I laugh at her expression, she's to funny.

"Come on it won't be that bad" I tell her "you have Luke and we all know he won't let a single hair on your body get hurt" I say honestly, they truly love each other it's kind of amazing and weird that they fell in love so quick...then again I can't say much. If I hadn't met Mr.Williams I don't think I would have believed in 'love at first sight'

"I know" she looks at Luke with a bright red blush on her cheeks. Luke brings his fingers up to her chin and kisses her.

"Wow you guys really know how to make someone feel lonely" I say sarcastically, Amber pulls away from there kiss and blushes again

"Sorry Rose" she tells me

"It's fine, I was only kidding" I say with a reassuring smile.

We walk into the gym and head into the locker rooms, change our clothes and meet up in the bleachers. Coach Reed splits us into teams, I'm all alone on the red team while Amber and Luke are on the blue team. Amber sends me a sympathetic look and I smile at her. We walk to opposite sides of the gym and Coach Reed puts the plastic dodge balls in the middle.

With all the boys in there attack positions Coach Reed blows her whistle and they rush to get the balls before the other team can. I stand awkwardly in the back trying to dodge the balls that are flying past my body with crazy speeds. I look over and see Luke's face looking deadly, his eyes glaring at anyone and everyone with a ball. He is standing protectively in front of Amber covering her whole body to the point I can't even see her. His teeth are bound together like he is ready to rip anyone's head off. I laugh at his protectiveness.

I start to zone out and think about Mr.Williams. I wonder why his eyes got that deadly dark color. It couldn't have been the lighting because I've seen his eyes in that room before and they don't look like that, could it be the weather? No it's sunny just like it has been. What could it have been? Was it my eyes playing tricks on me? Probably. I just don't know what he wants from me, one moment he's smirking playfully at me, the next pulling me in a closet to hug me, and then running out of the classroom away from me.

With being so stuck in my own world, trying to figure out Mr.Williams mystery eyes and personality I don't even notice the big plastic ball headed for my head until I am struck to the ground. My head hitting the gym floor with a loud thump. I feel a warm liquid coming out of my nose I reach up with a weak arm and collect some of it on my fingers, looking at it I see blood. My arm drops to the floor and my eyes become weak I see a whole bunch of blurry people circle around me. Luke is crouched over me his hand on mine and he keeps saying something but I can't make it out. Ambers comes into view, she leans on Luke, her hand instantly covers her mouth her face filled with worry. Unable to keep my eyes open any longer I let the darkness consume me.

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