Chapter 35

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He suddenly drops me to my feet and backs up "now how about some lunch" he smirks down at me

What the hell! he can't do that! He starts to walk over to my bedroom door but turns around "coming?" He smirks and my face contorts to anger as he starts to laugh

"Not anymore" I growl quietly and I grab my phone, purse, keys, and walk right past him as he laughs at my double meaning "that was mean" I say my arms crossed and my lip pouted

He stops me from walking to the door and lifts me, pulling me to his chest, he kisses my cheek "it was pay back"

"For what?!" I say turning to him

"Not telling me your birthday was coming up" he says still smiling

"And that's what I get?!"

"Yup" he says and I walk out of his arms, headed to the door

But with his stupid super vampire speed he blocks the door in half a second and I roll my eyes. Cheater.

He comes away from the door and hugs me "I'm sorry" he says

I back out of his hug and open the door "oh don't worry I'll get you, pay backs a bitch" I wink and walk out to the driveway without another word, planning my revenge on him

"I forgot how crappy your car was" he says coming up behind me, I shiver as the cold wind hits my bare arms, why didn't I bring a jacket?

"Sorry some of us arn't rich vampires" I say and he chuckles "where's you car?" I ask

"I ran back to the lake and drove it back to my place, I just ran here seeing as your mom didn't know I was coming it might have been odd to find my car in her driveway this morning" he says grinning

"Right" I laugh thinking I should have known that "anyways let's go eat" I say and walk over to my 'crappy car' as he puts it

He opens the passenger side for me and I climb in "so where do you want to eat?" He asks

"I don't care anywhere is fine" I tell him looking out the window as we start our drive to town "when did you get your clothes?" I ask

"I ran to my house and got some" and he meant that all to literally

I nod my head, I'm still trying to get used to the fact my boyfriend can be gone for five second and already be thirty minutes away

We sit in a comfortable silence, the steady hum of the car and soft music in the background fills it.

"Do you forgive me for messing with you?" He asks rubbing my thigh

"Yes but only because I love you..and just saying next time finish what you started, or I won't be so nice" I say smirking and he chuckles

"So tell me what you want for your birthday" he says and I look over at him, the cloudy sky cascades a dark shadow over his handsome face, the small cure of his lips makes him look devilish and sexy, his jaw line sharp enough to make him a model, with the body to match. How did I get so lucky?

I reluctantly pull myself from his face and think, what could I possibly ask from him? He's already given me everything "from you? Nothing" I say and look back out the window, watching the trees rush past us in a blur

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