Chapter 74

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(Image of Richard)

For what felt like the hundredth time tonight I wake up with my body pounding. Tears swell up in my eyes from frustration as I beg for sleep to take over my mind but with the constant pain strumming through my body I know the sleep I need won't come.

I groan and slowly push myself off the ground, I rub my sore cheek feeling it red, my fingers run over my jaw where Caine punched me and I wince in pain as I apply pressure.

I lean up against the wall pulling my leg in front of me, if I don't get this gash looked at soon I know it will get infected, it looks pretty bad already. I groan as I slowly untie the jacket from around my shin. I bit my lip and wince peeling it off, the strong smell of blood makes me want to gag in disgust. Once it's off I throw the jacket against the metal bars and half of it lands in the other cell. I sigh leaning my head against the cold wall, tears pricking at my eyes.

I look in the corner of the cell and gasp when I see the shards of jeans that Amber helped me tear off. I army crawl over to one and pick it up with a sigh of relief. The thick jean material is a little wet from the mixture of mystery liquids from the ground but at this point I don't care. I carefully and tightly wrap the ripped open jean leg around my shin and calf.

After two minutes of hell I finally tuck in the material under the rest and I'm thankful to have something over the open wound.

I sigh...what am I doing...what am I going to do? I have yet to get rid of the gut reaching fear boiling in my stomach at the thought of my father coming in here at any time. How long will it take Marcus to find me? How hard is he looking? Evangeline with him? I shake the thought away and take a deep shaky breath.

I lift up my shirt and gasp at what I see, a large deep black and blue bruise is forming all down my side and ribs. I'm thankful it's not on the side of my mark because I'm afraid one of my ribs might be fractured, every time I breath I feel a sharp pain in my chest and side.

I try to forget all the pain in my body and try to focus on Marcus. Maybe...somehow I can reach him. After sitting in the dead of silence working my brain hard, straining it even more causing the never ending pain in my scull to continue. I sit back and open my eyes giving up, there's nothing I can do. I can't escape, I couldn't run away even if I tried, I can't reach anyone including Marcus, and it's not like I can kindly ask Caine or my father to let me go.

I sit back and close my eyes, Caine is insane, he really thinks Marcus will just come rule with him and forget everything Caine has done to him and the people he loves. But what if Marcus does rule with him? I mean it would save his life...I couldn't stand Marcus being killed. I'd almost rather Caine kill me than Marcus coming here and getting himself killed at my expense.

I still haven't figured out how all of this will pan out, I don't know if Marcus is coming, I don't know if he's looking, I don't know what Caine has in plan and I don't know if I'll get out of this alive...and that scares me.

My stomach rumbles and I feel it biting at my backbone from lack of food, I grip it tightly without touching my bruise. Don't they know they are keeping a human captured here. I roll my eyes and sigh, I'm exhausted...I can't sleep I've already tried and I'm scared if I do my father will come in here without me knowing. I have to be ready.

I take deep breaths and rub my head praying he doesn't add to my already dangerous injuries. I feel a deep emptiness in my heart at everything that's happened. Why couldn't Caine have just left us alone.

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