"You can talk to me if you want. You seem disturbed." Yeah, by you and my-dumb-as-fuck-self. 

I sat at my usual place, fidgeting nervously with my fingers.
Should I tell him?

Would he believe me?
No, most importantly, would he play along?
Asdfghjkl, this is so frustrating.

"Take your time, it's fine," He softly said. Stop being so fucking perfect, for fuck sakes!

"So uh... I- I may o- or may not... told them that- that you are my- my, you know uh... boyfriend. It's- it's so fucked up ~" I started to rambled on him, all from the root of this problem until what just happens in the cafeteria, excluding no detail and being as honest as possible as pathetic as that sound.

"Oh... I think I got it now," Really? Does that mean... Oh god, this is so embarrassing. He pitied me, my pathetic and dumb-as-fuck self. Oh god, I-


"I got that I- wait, what? Sure? You wanna play along?"

"Yeah, sure. I just have to pretend to be your boyfriend, right?"

Oh my god, I can't believe angel on earth actually exists! He's so bloody perfect, dammit!

"But..." eh, what? But?

"B- but?"

"Be my pet."

"Be WHAT?" I exclaimed way too loudly.

"You didn't think I would do this for free right?" He said coldly. The once soft and warm smile long time gone replaced with a cold and deadly stare. His eyes turning way colder than usual and his lips pressed in a thin line.

"Hell no! What do you think I am?"

"Well then, don't blame me if I accidentally spilt some tea,"

"Oh god, please no."

"Be my pet and I'll help you,"

"Fuck, fine!"

"On your knees, kitten."

"You want me to suck you off?"

"Eww, no. Just do it!"

I looked up at him confusedly but get down on my knees hesitantly. I felt him put his hand on my head, ruffling my hair like I was a dog or something, and a sick smile was on his face.

"A good boy aren't you, kitten?" Kitten? Oh my god, I became an animal that I'm allergic of.

"Y- yes..." He chuckled at my dumb stuttered, patting my head a few more time before he pressed a light kiss on it.

"My name's Luke, by the way."

I understood that I asked a lot from him, but making me his pet, really?
Wasn't that too much? What is he even gonna do to me?
I have no pet, so I don't know what someone does to their pet. Ugh, what did I get myself into?

"Ash? Ashton, you good?"

"Eh, uh... yeah, sorry get zoned out,"

"What were you thinking about?" Bleta asked, tilting her head to the side.

"Nothing important, I'm fine though,"

"Oh... okay then. Anyway, your boyfriend's waiting,"

Wait, what?
I turned my gaze to the door and there he was; the demon who looked likes an angel.
His smiled was so warm and if I didn't know better I would say a few hours ago was a mistake. But no, he was just that sick and apparently a great-ass actor. I can tell he was threatening me deep inside, making me pack my things hurriedly. What is he even doing here anyway?

"I- I better hurry then. I'll see you tomorrow, B!" I said, quickly rushing to Luke's side with a wide smile on my face. Fake it 'till you make it, Ash. You can do it!

"Hey, sweetheart!"

"H- hi, Luke"

"Sweetheart, you were supposed to come straight here as soon as I arrive," He said monotonously, hands pinching my cheeks like I was a stuffie or something.

"What- what are you doing here?"

"I'm driving you home,"

"Yo- You are?"

"Yes, now shut up or I'll punish you, okay?" I heard some people gasped causing this sick bastard to chuckle.

"I'm kidding, now c'mon. I bet you're tired," I'm not tired, I'm dead already. He grabbed my backpack and slung it over his shoulder. He didn't bring any bag to school? Woah, what did this kid do?

We walked side-by-side towards the parking lot and he led me to a blue McLaren 720. My eyes bulged off of its socket at the sight in front of me as my jaw went ajar.

"What? Climb in,"

"Oh god, are you a mafia or something?" I accused and he scoffed loudly.

"C'mon, I have somewhere else to be,"

"I- I can't. I'll- I'll just walk with Mike or take the bus or something," He rolled his eyes at me and basically scooped me into his arms and put me in the car. Curse the opened roof, now I have no way to escape.

His car stood up among the other normal students' cars, the colour and the type and also the spot that he parked it at. I feel so outta place. Geez, I really wish the ground would swallow me right now.

He drove the car off of school's ground and straight into the busy street. I could feel people eyes on us as he speeds off, but he acted like it was nothing so I guess that's what I gotta do too.

"Where's your address?"

"Maple Street number 28J."

"Oh, we live pretty close."

"He- hey, Luke?"


"Wha-what do you mean by being... being your pet?"

"I meant exactly what I said."

"Bu- but, why me though?"

"I love cats, but I can't have one because my family don't like them. But you look like one and you happen to need my help, it's just fair."

"S- so you won't, you know... use me as your slave or- or something, right?" I timidly asked. He scoffed at me, a sharp glare quickly shot at my way.

"What do you think I am? My mum raised me to be a gentleman, not a pervert bastard." He said, again in monotone. 'Gentleman' my ass! You basically blackmail me and kidnap me. Asshole!

"O- oh..."

"You got nothing to worry about. I won't sell you or force you to do stuff with me. Just be a good kitten and your secret will be safe."

"O- okay..."

"And stop acting so timid. A kitten usually so cheery and like a ball of sunshine, not a gloomy and awkward one like you," 

It's 2AM over here
And I still haven't sleep yet
So here you go xx

Sorry that I didn't do the double update yesterday, was a tad bit busy hehehe...

But I'll try to double update later today, see ya!!!

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