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[Mature *cough* CONTENT *cough* FINALLY]


I park the car slightly out of the woods. I look Arne whose been looking at the area in awe. I smile at the man I now call my boyfriend and slid out of my seat. I walk to his door and open it for him before he could.

He opens his mouth to argue but I cut him off. "I know I know. But, I just want it to be perfect, remember?" He shakes his head but smiles.

"Come" I hold out my hand which he takes, his smile not fading an inch.

"Where is this?" he asks as we walk hand in hand.

"Somewhere in the woods?" I reply watching both of our steps.

"Oh yes, Sherlocks" he rolls his eyes with a chuckle.

We walk carefully with a torch in my one hand and his hand in another.

"Here we are" I announce and our steps come to a halt. Shorty steps sidewards from my back and takes in everything thats been displayed and made only for him.

"How?" he mutters, his eyes going wide taking everything

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"How?" he mutters, his eyes going wide taking everything.

I scratch my neck in embarrassment. "Sebastian helped me set this up," I say. Ever since Sebastian has moved here to New York, we started hanging out just like old times.

"Oh? So this is where you were in the afternoon?" he chuckles.

I nod a yes. "You like it?" I ask him in hope.

"Like it? I fucking love it, Fei. It's really very beautiful. Thank you so much" he pulls me in a hug.

I pat his back and kiss the side of his head. "Come" I withdraw from the hug and walk us to the table.

I pull the chair for him, which he accepted without complaining. I get seated on the other side of the table. I open a basket lying at the side of the table and put out all of his favourite food from his favourite restaurants.

I pour us some red wine, which indeed is his favourite. He seems to stare at my every move. My cheeks turn red when I notice his stare. "Don't stare" I say serving the red sauce pasta on each of our plates.

"Do. Not. Tell me what to do with something that's mine" he husks my words from this afternoon. I feel my cheeks hot as I mutter a shut up under my breath.

He let out a throaty laugh throwing his head back. I smile looking at the man, I love. I love to see him laugh.

We eat with all the talks about his family, my family and our family. The conversation deepens with our occasional healthy arguments and laughs.

I serve us the desert which makes Shorty's eyes go wide. "Who? How?" he asks looking at the white and yellow delight.

"Umm... I asked Merlin the recipe and made it in the café" I mumble.

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