Chapter Fourty

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40. Relentless She Agrees

Magdelena knocked on the familiar wooden doors waiting as they were opened by Arthur, revealing his messy chambers. Papers were scattered around the room coms crumpled, furniture knocked down and moved slightly and clothes were thrown around the floor and bed, "Merlin will be annoyed when he has to pick all of this up," she says trying to lighten the mood between the two, "I just came to say my farewells, I have to return with James to Ealdor."

"His father is no doubt worried about the two of you," Arthur says dejectedly as he looks anywhere but at her, as he moved around moving things around but not really picking them up. 

"Oh no," her eyebrows furrowed as she looks at him slightly amused with a soft smile, "James was abandoned by his real parents I found him on my travels and took him in."

Arthur turned to her looking happily at her with a large grin on his face, "Mags," he says shocked as she was now holding the ring he had given her out toward him, "What is this for?"

"I hurt you by leaving without warning and without a word between," she says stepping forward only for him to step back, "I don't deserve you, Sire, I am not fit to be a Queen. Besides I have James now, he must be raised properly. I might have to leave randomly for unknown lengths of time. You need-"

"I could give a damn about what I need Mags," Arthur snaps at her making her look at him in shock, "I want you, no one else." 

"Arthur there is so much that is keeping us apart and so many things we will argue about," she says staring at him the tears streaming down her cheeks killed him knowing he was the cause for them, "Please you have to understand, we are worlds apart."

"I am a King Magdelena I choose who is in my world, and you are," Arthur says staring at her, "and if that means James comes with that then I accept that. Maybe not as a father just yet but one day. Camelot will need an heir."

"An heir I can't give you Arthur!" 

Arthur stares at her and she looks away not liking the pitying look in his eyes, "That is what James is for," he says staring at her, "Mags, I saw the future and you were in my future. My wife, my queen, my life. I need you by my side Mags, please you can't leave me now." 

"Arthur you are making this hard," she whispers sadly, "I can't maybe one day but I can't expect you to wait for me."

Magdelena turns to leave but Arthur refused to let her leave again, "Magdelena, did Uther ever mention this letter?" Arthur asks holding out the letter toward her, the seal was broken but the name on it was written in the former king's handwriting without a doubt, "The servants found this in his chambers when they were cleaning it up."

"It was your birthday present if I remember correctly," Magdelena says, she could feel the emotions that had gone into the letter, she was curious as she hands it back to him, "He never told me what he had written on it, so if you are asking what it is about I have no idea."

"I want you to read it," Arthur says pushing the envelope back toward her, "Please Mags." 

Magdelena opens the letter and began to read,

'My dearest Arthur, 

I am sure you were shocked about the news about Morgana being your sister, and I am sure there are many more secrets that may come to light following this. I can't be sure but of a few things I am certain, one is that I will die soon, I can feel it in my heart and I shall miss you dearly son. The second is the fact that Magdelena will be your Queen, I am aware of how deeply you two love each other, it reminds me of myself and your mother. I wish to give you my blessing to marry her, and one day crown her Queen of Camelot. She was a trusted advisor as my servant, and I treated her horribly for reasons she should be the one to tell you not me. Furthermore, she made me rethink my take on magic, I know this is a lot to take in on a birthday letter but I could never admit this in person so writing was the next best step. Forgive me Arthur, and know I love you. 

Your father, Uther.' 

"Arthur," Magdelena looks down at the unmistakable writing of the King, this was his handwriting and not someone trying to copy it to make it work, "That doesn't mean that I can stay here. James needs someone more than just me to raise him and my mother agreed to help me care for him." 

"If you stay here you will have Merlin and Gaius to help you, that is an extra person to help you raise him," Arthur says, smiling brightly and hopefully at her making it break her heart, even more, to do so.

"Gaius is a physician and has his patients and practice to look after," Magdelena says, "Merlin is running after you doing chores, and helping Gaius when he needs it. Neither of them has time to help me care for a baby." 

"Mags if I let you leave I fear that I will never see you again," Arthur says looking at her a bit worried, tears welling in his eyes, "I fear if you step out of Camelot you will not return." 

"Arthur, I love you-"

"Then marry me. Stay here with me," Arthur says begging her as she grabs her hand holding it tightly fearful should he release her she would just disappear once more. 

"But James-"

"I never thought of being a father this young but should you need that to stay I will tell the world that James is a Pendragon. My son, my heir, mine and yours," Magdelena looks at the king, her eyes staring straight through him, "Mags I can't lose you not again. Not when I finally have you so close to being mine." 

"I'll stay, but you don't have to claim James as yours," Magdelena relents sighing as Arthur pulls her into his arms holding her as if he hadn't seen her for years, "I can't ask you to do that, not until you are ready. Even if that means you never are." 

"I wouldn't allow anyone to say you were unfaithful at any moment," Arthur says, "We shall get married and then announce the child as our heir and son when he is older. Maybe five, or six." 

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